Permissions for Bulk Customer Payments

You need to have the appropriate permissions to be able to process bulk customer payments and access related records.

For information about the minimum permissions required to use bulk customer payments provided by the SuiteBilling Enhancements SuiteApp, see Basic Permissions for Bulk Customer Payments.

For information about the additional setup tasks when the Payment Instruments feature is enabled, see Setting Up Bulk Customer Payments with Payment Instruments Feature Enabled.

Basic Permissions for Bulk Customer Payments

The following table shows the required permissions for any role (except an Administrator) who will perform bulk customer payments.

For information about reviewing and setting permissions, see Reviewing Permissions Assigned to Roles and Setting Permissions.






Customer Payment


Enables customer payment creation.


Account Receivable


Enables access to accounts receivable report.

Custom Record

Bulk Customer Payments


Enables bulk customer payments record creation and access to bulk customer payments menu.

  • In the Classic Center, you can access the menu through Transactions > Bulk Customer Payments.

  • In the Accounting Center, you can access the menu through Financial > Other Transactions > Bulk Customer Payments.

Bulk Payments Run


Required to run bulk customer payments.

Setting Up Bulk Customer Payments with Payment Instruments Feature Enabled

By default, the following SuiteBilling Enhancements script deployments, which need access to payment card data, are set to execute using the administrator role:

  • SBE Payment UE Load Credit Cards List (ID: customdeploy_sbe_pay_ue_loadcclist)

  • SBE Payment UE Validate Credit Card (ID: customdeploy_sbe_pay_ue_validate_cc)

  • SBE Pay SL Bulk Payments Service (ID: customdeploy_sbe_pay_sl_bulkpaymentssvc)

However, as a best practice, you should consider changing this setting to any role that has minimum access permissions instead.

To change the execute as role setting, go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments. Edit the script deployment. Then, set the Execute as Role field to any role that has the following permissions:






Payment Card


Required if you use payment cards for payments.

Payment Card Token


Required if you use payment card tokens for payments.

Payment Instrument


Required if you use payment instruments for payments.


These permissions are available only if the Payment Instruments feature is enabled in your account. If this feature is disabled, you will not be able to assign these permissions to custom roles. In this case, you can set the Execute as Role to any standard role that has access payment card data (for example, A/R Clerk).

For more information, see Payment Instruments.

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