Creating Bulk Customer Payments


Make sure the roles in your account are set up with the appropriate permissions to use bulk customer payments. For more information, see Permissions for Bulk Customer Payments.

With the SuiteBilling Enhancements SuiteApp, you can set up bulk payments by creating a bulk customer payments (BCP) record. On this record, you can do the following:

When the SuiteApp processes a BCP record, it searches for invoices that match the criteria specified and generates payments for all applicable invoices.

A bulk payments run (BPR) record logs the results of each BCP process run. This record includes a list of processed invoices and generated payments. You can view the list of generated BPRs on the Bulk Payments Run subtab of the BCP record. You can also view a list of all BPR records by going to Transactions > Bulk Customer Payments > View Bulk Payments Run. For more information, see Viewing Transactions Processed in Bulk Customer Payments

To create bulk customer payments:

  1. Go to Transactions > Bulk Customer Payments > View Bulk Customer Payments > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the bulk customer payments record.

  3. Set the date criteria for the invoice search using the following fields:

    • Offset Days From Current Date – BCP returns all invoices until the current date unless an offset value is specified in this field. The offset is applied to the current date to adjust the invoice end date filter. The default offset value is zero, which indicates the current date. You can enter any positive or negative integer.

      When you use offset, customer invoices are filtered using the following formula for date range:

      • Start Date =January 1, 1900

      • End date =current date +offset days

      For example, if offset value is -2 and the current date is January 1, 2022, then the search will include customer invoices from January 1, 1900 through December 30, 2021.

    • Use Date Range – If you want to set a specific date range for the invoice search, check this box. Use the From and To fields to set the date range. If both date fields are blank, all open invoices for the customer will be searched.

    • Filter Invoices By Date Type – Select whether the invoices are searched by transaction date or by due date.

  4. Specify when you want to run the bulk payments.

    • If you want to create a one-time bulk payments run, keep the Recurring box cleared. Bulk payments will be processed after saving the record.

    • If you want to set up a recurring schedule for bulk payments, check the Recurring box and set the values in the following fields:

      • Frequency and Repeat Every – Use these fields to set how often the bulk payments will be processed.

        For example, if you want to process bulk payments every 2 weeks, set the following:

        • Frequency =Week (unit of time)

        • Repeat Every =2 (interval)

      • Start Date – Specify the start date for the recurring bulk payments schedule.

        If the specified date is earlier than the current date, the bulk payments will be processed immediately upon saving.

      • Start Time – Specify the start time for recurring bulk payments schedule.

    Take note of the following:

    • If you are editing or viewing a bulk payments record that has been processed, the Last Run Date field shows date and time of the most recent bulk payments run.

    • If you do not want the system to process this bulk payments record, you can check the Inactive box to inactivate it.

  5. Specify the customer for which you want to process bulk payments.

    • Customers – If you want the search to include invoices for specific customers only, select a value in this field. You can select a customer, a static customer group, or a dynamic group based on a customer saved search.


      For dynamic customer groups, you must set the saved search to Public and use standard search filters to define the search criteria. Using filter expressions is currently not supported.

    • All Customers – If you want the search to include invoices for all customers, check this box.

  6. In Payment Processing Profile, select the payment processing profile that you want to use to process payment transactions. You can set this field only if the Credit Card Payments feature is enabled in your account.

    If this field is blank, the system will use the payment processing profile specified on the billing account record, customer record, or the system default. For information about the payment processing profile hierarchy, see Setting the Payment Preferences for Billing Accounts.

  7. Set the accounting options using the following fields:

    • Record Payment As – Credit card is the default payment method. If you want to use a non-credit card payment method, select from the options in this field. The list is sourced from the Payment Method accounting list and includes only non-credit card payment methods.

      When this field is set, other fields related to credit card payments are dimmed.

      This field is required when the Credit Card Payments feature is disabled in your account.

    The following fields are editable only if the payment type is credit card.

    • If the Payment Instruments feature is enabled in your account, you can set the following fields.

      • Handling Mode – Select the handling mode for the generated customer payments.

        • Process – Triggers payment processing through a payment gateway with the selected payment option and payment processing profile.

        • Record External Event – Creates a NetSuite record of a payment that took place outside of NetSuite, for example, in an ecommerce solution that authorizes payments outside of NetSuite.

        • Save Only – Saves the data entered on the form but does not trigger payment process.

      • To exclude invoices that use specific payment instruments, check the appropriate box:

        • Exclude General Tokens

        • Exclude Payment Cards

        • Exclude Payment Card Tokens

      For more information about the Payment Instruments feature, see Payment Instruments.

    • If the Payment Instruments feature is disabled in your account, you can use the following fields to specify how to handle credit card payments:

      • If you want to trigger payment processing upon creation of the customer payment record, check the Charge Credit Card box.

      • If you want to record external payments, check the Mark CC Approved box. This option checks the CC Approved box on the generated customer payment, which indicates that the payment took place outside of NetSuite.

      • If you want to save the data entered on the payment transaction, leave both the Charge Credit Card and Mark CC Approved boxes cleared.

  8. When you have finished, click Save.

To view the bulk payments run information and processed transactions, see Viewing Transactions Processed in Bulk Customer Payments.

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