Milestones Portlet
Project milestones are used to mark a point in your project, usually completion of a set of tasks or as a project health check to determine if you are on schedule.
The following screenshot shown the Milestones portlet and the columns included in the table:

The Milestones portlet on the Project 360 Dashboard supports the display of collapsible parent tasks and subordinate tasks.
A parent task is a record that only tracks cumulative information about subordinate tasks that are required to complete a project. For more information about organizing project tasks, read Organizing Tasks.
By default, milestones are sorted by their end date. You can also sort the milestones by names alphabetically by clicking the Name column header.
The milestones portlet displays the following information:
Risk – This column indicates the risk associated to the milestone’s status.
Milestone Status
Not Started
In Progress
The end date is 2 days less than the current date.
The end date is less than the current date.
Not Applicable
the end date is between yesterday and tomorrow's date
The end date is the same as the current date.
The end date is one day past the current date.
The end date is two days past the current date.
Not Applicable
The end date is 2 days or more than current date
The end date is past the current date.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Name – This column shows the name of each milestone task.
Status – This column shows the progress of each milestone task related to its end date.
End Date – This column shows the target end date of the milestone task as specified in the project record.