Generating Norway VAT Return
To generate the Norway VAT Return report, your role must be assigned Country Tax Reports permission. For more information, see Roles and Permissions in Tax Reporting Framework.
Norway VAT Return is available in accounts with SuiteTax as well as accounts without SuiteTax. For a detailed list of supported features in accounts with SuiteTax and without SuiteTax, see Norway VAT Return Supported Features.
To generate Norway VAT Return:
Go to Reports > Tax > Country Tax Reports.
In the Subsidiary field, select a Norwegian subsidiary from the list.
In the Nexus field, select Norway.
In the Report Name field, select Norway VAT Return.
In the Start Period field, select a starting period for the report.
In the End Period field, select end period for the report.
Note:If you configured the reporting frequency correctly, the End Period field will be auto-completed after you fill the Start Period. For more information, see Configuring the Reporting Frequency
If you are using the Multi-Book Accounting feature, select the Accounting Book in the Accounting Book field.
Important:Multi-Book Accounting use in Norway VAT Return not supported in accounts with SuiteTax.
If you haven’t configured the report properties yet, click the Norway VAT Setup button. For more information, see Configuring Norway VAT Return.
Click Generate. You can see the status of the process in the Report Execution Log subtab.
When NetSuite completes the report, you receive an email notification.
After the report is generated, click View to view the report.
You can submit the report directly to Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten) after validation. For more information, see Submitting Norway VAT Return.
(Optional) Download the report in PDF, XLS, or XML format by clicking the corresponding buttons. For more information about exporting reports, see Exporting a Country Tax Report
Note:When opening an exported XLS file in Microsoft Excel, you may receive a warning message about potential corruption or safety issues. The warning is a standard system response and in no way suggests the file is in any way compromised. You can safely open and edit the file.
(Alternative) Click the VAT Amount value in a report line to open the VAT Return – Detail report to view detailed information about the report line and download the report. For more information, see VAT Return – Detail Report
Currently, successful generation does not automatically mean that the Norwegian Tax Administration will accept the report. You can use the Validate feature to make sure the report conforms with legal requirements.
For more information, see Generating Localized Country Tax Reports.
Report Numbering
Each Norway VAT Return report is generated with a unique VAT Return Number to help the Norwegian Tax Administration to identify it among other reports of the same type. The number is automatically created upon generation and included in the output file. The number consists of the NVAT_ prefix, and is followed by subsidiary ID and a time stamp assigned by the NetSuite server at the time of report generation in the format YYMMDDHHMMSS (year-month-day-hour-minute-second).
Report Numbering Example
Norway VAT Return report generated for subsidiary Norway on January 31, 2022, at 8:15:46 AM will have a VAT Return Number NVAT_NORWAY_220131081546
Report Header
Report header contains information about the company for which the report was generated, including unique identifiers that help the Norwegian Tax Administration to link the submitted report to the company.
Header Item |
Description |
Source |
Note |
Subsidiary |
Subsidiary/legal name |
Reports > Tax > Country Tax Reports > Subsidiary |
- |
Taxpayer ID |
Company’s Norwegian Taxpayer identification number. |
The value is propagated from Setup > Company > Subsidiaries > Subsidiary > Company Registration Number if EMEA Localization or Advanced Localization Features SuiteApps are installed, but can be overwritten in Reports > Tax > Country Tax Reports > Setup Norway VAT > Taxpayer ID. |
- |
VAT Return Number |
Unique report identification number. |
Time stamp, auto-calculated on report generation. |
For more information, see Report Numbering |
VAT Return Category |
Category of the reported VAT return |
Reports > Tax > Country Tax Reports > Setup Norway VAT > VAT Return Category |
- |
System |
Report-generating software's name and current version. In UI displayed in page footer. |
Automatically on report generation. |
- |
Customer identification number |
Reports > Tax > Country Tax Reports > Setup Norway VAT > KID |
- |
Reporting Period |
Reporting period and report start and end dates |
Reports > Tax > Country Tax Reports > Start/End Period |
When period is not in compliance with Norwegian Tax Administration standards, only report start and end dates are displayed and the report is generated with a warning. For more information, see Configuring the Reporting Frequency |
Currency |
ISO code of report currency |
Setup > Company > Subsidiaries > Subsidiary > Currency |
Only acceptable currency is Norwegian Crown (NOK). Norwegian Tax Administration doesn't accept reports denominated in any other currency. |
Report Data
The Norway VAT Return report is generated with transaction information for the selected Subsidiary and Reporting Period. Data contained in the report are aggregated in rows and grouped by Standard Tax Code, Specification, NetSuite Tax Code, and Tax Notes values.
Data Item |
Description |
Standard Tax Code |
Standard Tax Code of transactions. For more information, see Installing a Bundle |
Specification |
Tax Reporting Category of transactions For more information, see Tax Reporting Category |
Tax Code |
NetSuite Tax Code. For more information, see Installing a Bundle |
Net Amount |
Total net amount for transactions sharing Standard Tax Code, Specification, NetSuite Tax Code, and Tax Note |
VAT Rate |
VAT rate for transactions sharing Standard Tax Code, Specification, NetSuite Tax Code, and Tax Note. For more information, see Tax Code Calculation |
VAT Amount |
Total VAT amount for transactions sharing Standard Tax Code, Specification, NetSuite Tax Code, and Tax Note. Calculated based on VAT rate. Click the value to open the Reported Values of the report line. |
Note |
Tax Note. For more information, see Tax Notes |
UNDEF-NO is a system-generated tax code used only for technical design of the system. This should not be used in any of your transactions and is excluded by default from the Norway VAT report.
Reported Values
Sales transactions are displayed in three columns (Net Amount, VAT Rate, and VAT Amount). VAT Amount displays a positive value.
Purchase transactions are displayed in a single column (VAT Amount). VAT Amount displays a negative value.
Credit transactions are displayed identically to standard transactions but with a reversed sign.
Total VAT value displayed at the bottom of the generated report can be one of the following:
Negative value — You will receive a refund from the Norwegian Tax Administration
Positive value — You need to pay the Norwegian Tax Administration
Decimal values are not accepted by Norwegian Tax Administration. Net Amount, VAT Amount and Total VAT values are rounded in the following manner:
Positive VAT Amount value rounded down to a whole number
Negative VAT Amount value rounded up to a whole number
Net Amount value rounded down to a whole number
Total VAT value is the sum of all VAT Amount line values that have been rounded down to a whole number
Header Discount Calculation for Closed Accounting Periods
If you installed the Norway Tax Reports SuiteApp after January 1, 2022, Norway VAT Return would inaccurately report taxable amounts for taxable sales transactions associated with header discount created prior to SuiteApp installation. If a report contains such transactions, you will receive a warning message containing a list of affected accounting periods. In that case, follow this procedure to fix the issue.
Header discounts in Norway VAT Return are not supported in accounts with SuiteTax.
Ensuring data in Norway VAT Return report is calculated correctly
Go to Setup > Accounting > Manage Accounting Periods.
For each period listed above, click the period name in the Period Name column.
In the Base Period window, check the Allow Non-G/L Changes box and click Save.
You also need to set up the FIRST DISCOUNT PERIOD before you recalculate the discounts. To do this, go to: Customization > List, Record & Fields > Record type
Find Norway Setting record and click its name.
Enter the period internal ID in the FIRST DISCOUNT PERIOD field. You can find in: Setup > Accounting > Manage Accounting period in the Internal Id column. Make sure that Show internal ID box is selected in the Preferences.
Click Save.
Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.
From the list, select NTR VAT MR recalculate discounts by clicking Edit.
On the Parameters subtab, enter the reporting period start date in startdate parameter.
To run the script, hover over the Save button and select Save and Execute from the dropdown list.
Wait for the script to finish. This can take a few minutes.
Generate the Norway VAT Return report again.
Journal Transactions Time-Out Issue in Norway VAT Return
Norway VAT Return is prone to fail if it includes journal transactions with tax codes mapped as for both sales and purchases. If the Norway VAT Return report fails to generate, follow this procedure to identify and fix the issue.
Journal transactions in Norway VAT Return are not supported in accounts with SuiteTax.
Fixing report error caused by journal transactions set as for both
Go to Customization > Scripting > Scheduled Script Status.
Find the failed report script in the list and view it by clicking the script ID in Deployment ID column.
Click on Execution Log.
If the error type is STR_TIME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, you will know that the report failed because it timed out.
Go to Setup > Accounting > Manage Accounting Periods.
In the Base Period window, check the Allow Non-G/L Changes box for every closed period that doesn’t already have it checked, all the way until the current period and click Save.
You also need to set up the FIRST JOURNAL PERIOD before you run the script. To do this, go to: Customization > List, Record & Fields > Record type
Find Norway Setting record and click its name.
Enter the period internal ID in the FIRST JOURNAL PERIOD field. You can find in: Setup > Accounting > Manage Accounting period in the Internal Id column. Make sure that Show internal ID box is selected in the Preferences.
Click Save.
Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.
From the list, select NTR VAT MR set tax account type by clicking Edit.
On the Parameters subtab, enter the reporting period start date in startdate parameter.
To run the script, hover over the Save button and select Save and Execute from the dropdown list.
Wait for the script to finish. This can take a few minutes.
Generate the Norway VAT Return report again.
VAT Return – Detail Report
VAT Return – Detail report contains detailed information about transactions included in the selected VAT Return report line. Every VAT Return report line contains its own VAT Return – Detail report. Transactions displayed in the VAT Return – Detail report share the Standard Tax Code, Specification, NetSuite Tax Code, and Tax Note properties. For more information about these properties, see Report Data.
To view the VAT Return – Detail Report
To open the report, click the VAT Amount value in VAT Return report.
If the report contains more than one page, use the arrows at the bottom of the page to navigate between pages.
Download the report in PDF, XLS, and XML format by clicking the corresponding buttons. For more information about exporting reports, see Exporting a Country Tax Report
Note:When opening an exported XLS file in Microsoft Excel, you may receive a warning message about potential corruption or safety issues, and be asked if you want to proceed. The warning is a standard response and in no way suggests the file is in any way compromised. You can safely open and edit the file.
VAT Return – Detail report header contains the following information, inherited from the VAT Return report:
Header Item |
Description |
Reporting Period |
Reporting period and report start and end dates |
Currency |
ISO code of report currency |
Subsidiary |
Subsidiary/legal name |
For more information about these properties, see Report Header.
VAT Return – Detail report line area contains the following information:
Data Item |
Description |
Date |
Transaction posting date |
Name |
Customer/Vendor name |
Number |
Transaction ID |
Type |
Transaction type |
Nondeductible Rate Derived From |
Nondeductible rate derived from tax code setup on tax code record for partially nondeductible tax codes |
Net Amount |
Transaction net amount |
Tax Rate |
Transaction tax rate |
Notional Tax Rate |
Notional tax rate for reverse charge tax codes |
Tax Amount |
Transaction tax amount |
Notional Amount |
Reverse charge tax code notional tax amount |
Gross Amount |
Transaction gross amount |
Page Total |
Totals of Net Amount, Tax Amount, and Gross amount values of all transactions listed on the page.
Only for reports that contain more than one page. |
Grand Total |
Totals of Net Amount, Tax Amount, and Gross amount values of all transactions in the VAT Return – Detail report. |
Reported Amount |
Tax Amount of all transactions in the VAT Return – Detail report. Identical to VAT Amount from the corresponding VAT Return report line Tax Amount. |
Tax Code Calculation
This content is relevant for accounts without SuiteTax only.
Reported values depend on tax code properties of reported transactions. The following are the most important properties:
Notional Rate Derived From
Reverse Charge Code
Exclude on VAT Reports
Available on
Non-Deductible Rate Derived From
For list of supported NetSuite Tax Codes see here.
To view tax code properties:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Tax Codes.
In Filters subtab, select Norway in the Country field.
In the table, select the tax code you want to inspect and click View.
For more information, see Tax Code Properties.
Based on the properties, tax codes can be divided into the following nine categories:
The below table lists NetSuite Tax Codes supported in accounts without SuiteTax. For a list of NetSuite Tax Codes supported in accounts with SuiteTax, see here.
Tax Code C |
Tax C |
Tax Code S |
Netsuite Tax Codes |
A |
Rate |
R |
N |
N |
Non-d |
Non-d |
E |
100% N |
Note |
P |
1 |
Fully D |
P |
Any |
F |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
P |
- |
P |
Any |
F |
- |
- |
Non-d |
(0,100)% excluding 0 and 100 |
- |
Not p |
3 |
N |
- |
P |
Any |
F |
- |
- |
Non-d |
100% |
- |
Not p |
R |
4 |
Fully D |
P |
0% |
S |
E |
- |
- |
- |
- |
5 |
P |
- |
P |
0% |
S |
E |
N |
(0,100)% excluding 0 and 100 |
- |
- |
6 |
N |
P |
0% |
S |
E |
- |
- |
- |
Sales Codes |
7 |
Sales |
Any |
Any |
Any |
Any |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Sales Codes Zero Rate |
8 |
Sales |
0% |
Any |
Any |
Any |
- |
- |
- |
- |
E |
9 |
E |
Any |
Any |
Any |
Any |
Any |
Any |
- |
Excluded from VAT reports |
Applying Partially Nondeductible and Fully Nondeductible purchase tax codes, and Fully Deductible, Partially and Fully Nondeductible reverse charge tax code to journals and advanced intercompany journals is not supported.
Applying purchase tax code on sale transactions is not supported.