Portugal Document Series

A document series is required for creating a Portugal transaction. Thus, it must be assigned for each of the following transactions with a Portugal subsidiary: invoice, customer payment, sales order, item fulfillment, credit memo, cash sale, and cash refund.


If a document series is not assigned, the transaction creation will fail.


Document series can only be assigned to Portugal subsidiaries. This limitation also applies to the unique document code ATCUD, whose structure is dependent on the document series. For more information, see ATCUD Unique Document Code.

You must set up at least one document series per transaction type and subsidiary. You also have to assign a date when the document series starts to be effective. For more information, see Creating a Portugal Document Series.

For information about the legal basis of the document series feature, see FAQ: Portugal Document Series.


The document series identifier cannot be filled in automatically for bulk item fulfillment transactions. You have to fulfill orders individually and select a document series identifier one item fulfillment transaction at a time. For more information about item fulfillments, see Fulfilling Orders Individually.

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