Known Limitations of the Portugal Localization SuiteApp
The Portugal Localization SuiteApp does not support the following:
NetSuite accounts where the SuiteTax feature is enabled.
Non-OneWorld NetSuite accounts.
NetSuite accounts where the Withholding Tax SuiteApp is installed. Its method of applying discount items on transaction lines is not compatible with the report generation process provided by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp.
Portugal transactions created externally and imported to NetSuite in CSV.
Portugal transactions created using integration tools such as using a web service.
Portugal transactions created using the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp or the Fixed Assets Management SuiteApp might not comply with the requirements of the Portugal Localization SuiteApp.
Sales Orders that are invoiced in bulk. For information about bulk updating of sales orders, see Bulk Update Fields.
If you have the Portugal Localization SuiteApp installed with these conditions, the certification of your sales documents will not work as expected.