FAQ: Portugal Document Series

See the questions and answers below for information about the document series requirement in Portugal.

Is the document series mandatory?

Yes. The use of the document series is mandatory for transactions in NetSuite dated January 1, 2022. The document series requirement in Portugal is detailed in Despacho n.ยบ 8632/2014. For an english translation, see here.

The document series feature has been introduced with version 1.06 of the Portugal Invoice Certification SuiteApp. Before version 1.06, you can only use a single automatically generated series per fiscal year. Using a document series is required for transactions with a transaction date of January 1, 2022 and onwards. If the transaction date is before January 1, 2022, then the transaction will be part of the old single series (based on the single series logic in version 1.05.0 and earlier).

The document series feature in version 1.06.0 of the Portugal Invoice Certification SuiteApp enables the creation of multiple document series per transaction type and per subsidiary that are not directly dependent on the fiscal year.

Is the document series requirement related to ATCUD?

ATCUD requirements will be supported by extending the existing Document Series capabilities, but the Document Series is a feature by itself. It enables you to manage multiple document series for one subsidiary in a fiscal year, and it supports new use cases in Portugal.

When the ATCUD will be enforced in Portugal, the Document Series capabilities will be extended to support it.

Is the document series related to the Portugal Transaction ID?

Yes. For transactions dated on or after January 1, 2022, the selected document series identifier on the transaction record will be used to generate the Portugal Transaction ID. After January 1, 2022, the generated Portugal Transaction ID will consist of the transaction type code (for example, FT for invoice), the document series identifier you assigned to the transaction, and the transaction's sequence number.

Transactions dated before January 1, 2022 will be part of the old sequence logic where there is only one series per transaction type, subsidiary, and fiscal year. After January 1, 2022, you can use multiple document series in one fiscal year. Transactions dated on or after January 1, 2022 will belong to this new document series logic.

Is the document series mandatory to all transaction types?

No. The Portugal Invoice Certification SuiteApp only checks if a document series has been assigned to Portugal sales transactions of the following types:

  • Invoice

  • Sales order

  • Customer payment

  • Cash sale

  • Credit memo

  • Item fulfillment

  • Cash refund

Transactions of these types that are created under subsidiaries other than Portugal do not require the document series.

For information about the document series requirement, see Portugal Document Series in Transaction.

I created a transaction in 2022. If the document series is mandatory, why was the document series not required and I was able to save the transaction?

The Portugal Invoice Certification SuiteApp uses the entry in the Date field (internal ID: trandate) as the basis for requiring the document series identifier on the transaction record. The date you created the transaction does not matter.

For example, you created an invoice on February 1, 2022, but in the Date field, you entered December 31, 2021. Because the transaction date is December 31, 2021, you can save the invoice even with or without assigning a document series identifier.

The Document Series Identifier field is disabled or noneditable on the transaction record, and I cannot save the transaction if this field is empty. What should I do?

The following are the possible reasons why the Document Series Identifier list on the transaction record is disabled, and the steps you can do to resolve the issue:



No document series record has been created for the transaction type and Portugal subsidiary you are using on the transaction.

Create a document series record for the transaction type and subsidiary you are using on the transaction.

To create a document series record, go to Setup > Portugal Invoice Certification > Portugal Document Series > New. For more information, see Creating a Portugal Document Series.

The transaction date is before the start date of the document series, or the transaction date is after the end date of the document series.

You can either:

  • Create a document series record whose validity duration (as determined by the start and end dates) includes the transaction date.

  • Or edit the end date of an existing document series record so that its validity duration still includes the transaction date.


    You can only edit the end date of an existing document series record. Other information such as start date, transaction type, and subsidiary, can no longer be edited after the document series record has been saved. If your transaction date is before the start date of the document series, then, you can only create a new document series record with an earlier start date so that it covers the transaction date.

To create or edit a document series record, go to Setup > Portugal Invoice Certification > Portugal Document Series.

The document series record for the selected transaction type and subsidiary is inactive. This means that the Inactive box is checked for this document series record.

You can either:

  • Activate the document series record that matches the transaction type and subsidiary you are using. To activate a document series record, go to Setup > Portugal Invoice Certification > Portugal Document Series. Uncheck the Inactive box next to the record you want to use.

  • Or create a new document series record that matches the transaction type and subsidiary, and whose start and end dates cover the transaction date.


As a best practice, never check the Inactive box. You can just end the document series (by entering an end date).

Can the document series identifier be automatically filled in on the transaction record?

The Portugal Invoice Certification SuiteApp does not support the automatic assignment of document series on the transaction record by using bulk processes, CSV imports, and web services. But, it is possible to deploy a script that automatically assigns a document series to a transaction before saving it. For issues related to bulk processes, CSV imports, and webservices, please contact the NetSuite Customer Support.

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