Exporting Mobile Processes

After you complete your customizations on a custom process, you can export it. For standard processes, you can export updates made through Mobile Configuration.

When you export standard and active custom mobile processes, you generate an appConfig.js file. You can export standard processes one at a time and multiple custom processes at a time. One file is generated for each export.

You can save exported appConfig.js files to a local folder on your computer. You can import it into another NetSuite account that uses the same app.


NetSuite accounts for exports and imports cannot be on different NetSuite versions and different SuiteApp versions. The accounts should also have the same language preference setting.

For example, you can export from and import into accounts that have the same latest NetSuite version, NetSuite WMS SuiteApp version, and SCM Mobile SuiteApp version. You cannot import from an account with a Spanish language setting to an account with an English language setting.

To export custom mobile processes:

  1. Go to Setup > Custom > Mobile -Applications.

  2. On the Mobile – Applications List page, click View next to the mobile app that contains the process.

  3. On the Mobile – Process List page, click Export Processes.

  4. On the Mobile – Export Process page, select either Custom Process or Standard Process.

  5. In the Mobile Process field, select a standard process or multiple custom processes.

  6. Click Export.

    On the Processing banner, a message appears with a link, which you can click to view the status of the export.

  7. After your export has been completed, a confirmation message appears with a link to view the exported files. This opens the download history panel on your browser.

    Alternatively, to view the appConfig.js file, you can access your Downloads folder or the default folder in which you store downloaded files.

You can import the appConfig.js file for the exported mobile processes into another NetSuite account. See Importing Mobile Processes.

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