Customizing Information Screen Elements
You can add elements that display on the information screen of your custom mobile process. On a mobile page, you can set up the elements for the data that you can retrieve from the page. The data appear on the information screen of each succeeding page within the process flow.
For example, the standard Enter PO and Enter Item mobile pages of the PO receiving process each have elements for the information screen. Information screen elements on the Enter PO page retrieve the purchase order details. These details appear on the information screen of the Enter Item page, which in turn retrieves the item details. The information screen on the Enter Quantity page displays all the details from the previous two pages.
Data from the mobile page are stored in the state, which makes them available for the screen. You can retrieve stored data from the keys in either of the following state paths:
Example: state:dataRecord:scriptParams:vendorName
The vendorName key contains the name of the vendor associated with the selected purchase order.
Example: state:dataRecord:auxParams:poReceiving_scanEnterLot_Txt
The poReceiving_scanEnterLot_Txt key contains the lot number of the received item.
For more information about mobile states, see Working with Mobile States as Data Source.
Aside from specifying the data source, you can also customize the layout and display order on the mobile page. When adding elements to an information screen, note the following customization guidelines:
For the Inline layout, you can show up to two elements per line or row.
A single element that appears on a line occupies the entire width.
An image appears as a thumbnail. When you tap it on the information screen, it appears in full on a popup window
Before you can display an image, you must set it up on the item record in the Item Display Image and Item Display Thumbnail fields. For requirements and more information, see SCM Mobile Setup and Using Images in your Web Store.
The ability to display or hide the information screen on a mobile page is not supported. Custom mobile processes follow the predefined display and hide information screen settings of standard processes.
For more information about element layout and display settings, see Arranging Page Elements.
To customize information screen elements:
Access the mobile page on which you want to set up the information screen element:
Using the Administrator role, go to Setup > Custom > Mobile -Applications.
On the Mobile -Applications List page, click View next to the mobile app.
On the Mobile -Process List page, click View next to the custom mobile process that contains the page.
On the Mobile -Process page, on the Pages subtab, click the page name.
On the Mobile -Page page, do the following:
Click the Information Screen Elements subtab.
To add an element, click New Mobile -Info Screen Element. If you want to modify an existing element, click Edit next to it.
On the Mobile -Info Screen Element page, set values in the following fields:
Name – Enter a unique name for the element.
Label – Select an existing label or create one.
Is Dynamic – Check this box to indicate that the data in the element is dynamic. NetSuite retrieves the value through the path at each screen load.
To configure the data source, in the Path field, enter the state path to the key that contains the data you want to show in this element.
To set up the image from an item’s record, you can retrieve the image using one of the following default paths:
state:dataRecord:scriptParams:imageUrl – key for the image of a regular item
state:dataRecord:scriptParams:info_imageURL_lineitemsubitemof– key for the image of a kit item component
To customize the position and display settings, set values in the following fields:
Layout – Select either Block or Inline.
Page – (Optional) Select the mobile page from which you want to retrieve the data that display on the succeeding pages.
Display Order – Enter the number that indicates the element’s position with regard to other elements on the screen.
Show If No Value – Check this box if you want to display this element even if it has no data to show.
Click Save.
You can repeat steps 2 to 6 to edit or add more elements to the information screen.
After you complete your mobile process customizations, make sure you update the app.
On the mobile app, you can view the information screen by tapping the info icon on a page.