One Stop Shop (OSS) for SuiteTax Lookup Logic
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For more information about the regular tax code lookup logic for sales for VAT countries, see Tax Code Lookup for Sales. |
A customer is considered to be registered for VAT if the 'Customer Tax Reg. Number' field under the Tax Details subtab is not empty. The Tax Details subtab appears on all taxable transactions. The values in the 'Customer Tax Reg. Number' list are sourced from the customer record.
If a subsidiary is registered for VAT in an EU member state, it is expected that the company has a fixed or business establishment in that member state.
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For more information about the regular tax code lookup logic for sales for VAT countries, see Tax Code Lookup for Sales. |
After you have set up One Stop Shop (OSS), SuiteTax evaluates each transaction and determines if it is a One Stop Shop transaction or not. If the transaction is an OSS transaction, SuiteTax performs the following processes:
Determines the OSS scheme based on your OSS setup and the transaction details.
Note:Ensure that you enter the correct Ship From address in the header level location of the transaction. If this address is missing, SuiteTax uses the subsidiary shipping address or the subsidiary main address from the subsidiary record.
Sets the Nexus for the transaction to the Member State of Identification based on the transaction's OSS scheme.
Sets the Tax Transaction Type to OSS Distance Sale.
Sets the OSS country based on the customer address from the transaction's Shipping subtab. If customer’s shipping address is missing, the SuiteTax Engine takes into account the transaction billing address. If the billing address is also missing, NetSuite uses the subsidiary main address
Assigns a tax code according to an OSS tax schedule if one exists for the combination of items in the transaction and the OSS country.
If no OSS tax schedule meets these criteria, SuiteTax assigns a tax code based on:
the nexus default tax code for OSS distance sales
the Member State of Identification
Determines the tax rate based on a combination of the tax code and OSS country. For example, a transaction that uses a combination of a reduced-rated code and Germany as the OSS country would use the German reduced tax rate.
If you check the Tax Details Override box, you can change the data in the Tax Transaction Type, OSS Scheme, and OSS Country fields.
For the Subsidiary Tax Registration Number on OSS transactions, SuiteTax uses the Tax Registration Number from the Subsidiary record. SuiteTax does not use the Tax Registration number from your OSS setup.