Testing NetSuite Connector Order Sync
After setting up NetSuite Connector and NetSuite for integration and syncs, you can perform syncing of a test order to NetSuite.
Before proceeding with the testing, consider the following:
You should create or identify a test order, as problems may be encountered during the sync.
Most carts let you create an order specifically for testing. For more details, refer to your cart documentation. But if your cart does allow you to create a test order, you can place an actual order from your cart and then make up a sample customer.
For Amazon and eBay testing, place an order for your own product in the marketplace to use as a test order.
Do not select a Shopify POS order or Amazon FBA order for testing, as those orders do not need to be fulfilled in NetSuite and therefore will not be suitable for fulfillment sync testing.
Do not create any mappings until after your initial order syncs. All commonly required data will sync by default if the marketplace or cart provides that data in the order.
To sync a test order to NetSuite:
Create or identify an order for testing in your marketplace or cart.
Log in to NetSuite Connector.
On the left panel, select the relevant connector and account.
Click Data Flows > Orders, to display the Order Dashboard.
Click Retrieve.
On the Retrieve Order Into FarApp window, in the Order ID field, enter the test order ID and click Retrieve.
NetSuite Connector will import the order from your marketplace or cart. The order will appear in the Order Dashboard with the status, In Farapp (Automatic Sync Disabled). If you cannot see the order refresh the page.
On the Order Dashboard, click pencil icon under the Action menu. Then, click Post Order To NetSuite. NetSuite Connector will post the order to NetSuite.
If your order posts successfully, the status will indicate Order Posted -Waiting For Shipment.
If there is any problem in posting your order to NetSuite, the status will indicate Error Posting to NetSuite.
Verifying NetSuite Connector Order Sync
After your order has imported to NetSuite, you should log in to NetSuite and verify that the order posted as expected.
For example, a posted item will be reflected on a Sales Order record, and you should check the following:
The Status is Pending Fulfillment.
The Summary section indicates the correct amounts for the Subtotal, Discount, Tax Total, Shipping Cost and Total.
On the Items subtab, check if the line item’s item number, quantity and amount match those in the marketplace or cart.
As NetSuite is a customizable platform, the location of information may not be the same for every user. This example is based on the most common NetSuite configuration, but your information may display differently.
If you encounter an error, refer to the Troubleshooting Order or Fulfillment Sync Errors in NetSuite Connector.