Adding a Print Button to NetSuite Pages

When you enable Mobile Printing, you can set up a print button on standard and custom NetSuite forms, transactions, and records, including those not used in the mobile apps. On NetSuite pages, you can display a print button that submits your print requests through PrintNode. To configure the print action for your button, create a client script that invokes the SCM Mobile RESTlet for printing.

Prerequisites for Print Button Setup

Before you configure your print button and client script, verify that you have set up the Mobile Printing capability. If you want to use custom print templates for PDF labels or documents, be sure to create your XML or Advanced PDF print files. For more information, see the following topics:

  1. Mobile Printing Requirements for PrintNode Integration

  2. Configuring SCM Mobile App Settings

  3. Configuring Security Settings

  4. Setting Up Your Printers

  5. Creating Custom Print Templates and Files

  6. SCM Mobile Scripts for Printing

Print Button Configuration Options

You can add print buttons to a NetSuite page through either of the following configuration options:

  • Adding Print Buttons Through a User Event Script – This option involves creating a user event script, aside from the client script. You can apply the user event to one or more NetSuite records at the same time. It enables you to control whether to display the button in view, edit, or both modes.

  • Adding a Print Button to a Custom Form – If you want to set up a print button and client script in a single entry or transaction form, you can choose this approach. It involves configuring a custom form, which displays the print button in edit mode only.

Note that if you apply both approaches to a transaction, it displays duplicate print buttons in edit mode.

Accessing Printed Labels or Documents

SCM Mobile stores a soft copy of documents that you print in the PrintDocuments folder of your file cabinet.


The PrintDocuments folder contains the PrintDocument.xml file, which is used internally. Do not edit or modify this file.

When you access your file cabinet, you can view this folder through the following path: SuiteBundles > Bundle <SCM Mobile bundle ID> > > PrintDocuments. To view the SCM Mobile bundle details, see SCM Mobile SuiteApp Installation.

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