Adding a Print Button to a Custom Form

You can customize a form or configure an existing custom form to manually set up printing through SCM Mobile. On a custom form, you can add a print button and set up your client script. This approach displays the print button in edit mode only.

To add a print button to a custom form:

  1. Prepare your client script.

    For information about the client script, see SCM Mobile Scripts for Printing.

  2. Using the Administrator role, customize a form or access an existing custom form by doing one of the following:

    • To access or customize an entry or transaction form, go to Customization > Forms.

    • In the Custom Form field of an open transaction, select the form you want to access. Then, at the upper-right corner of the page, from the Customize list, select Customize Form.

    For more information, see Creating Custom Entry and Transaction Forms.

  3. Assign your client script to a custom form by doing the following:

    1. On the Custom Form page, click the Custom Code subtab.

    2. In the Script File field, select your client script.

  4. Add a print button to your custom form by doing the following:

    1. On the Custom Form page, click the Actions subtab, and then click Custom Actions.

    2. To add a print button, set the following fields:

      • Label - Enter the button’s label that you want to appear in the custom form.

      • Function-Enter the name of the function that invokes your RESTlet for printing.

        For example, enter callingPrintDirectly, the name of the function used in the sample client script.

      • Display As -Select Button.

      • Click Add.

      For more information, see Working with Custom Buttons.

  5. After you complete all of your customizations, click Save.

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