Creating Custom Print Templates and Files

You can copy a standard TXT or XML print file available within Mobile Printing and customize it according to your label or document requirements. Common customizations for print files include showing a logo or additional details.

You can also create your own print file if no standard file is available for the label or document you want to print. Create a custom print file in TXT format for label printers or an XML file for regular printers.

Complete the following procedures to set up custom print files or templates:

  1. Custom Print File Creation

  2. Common Label or Document Customizations

  3. Custom Print Template Creation

    After creating your custom print file or WMS Advanced PDF template, set it up on a custom print template. See Creating Templates for Custom Print Files.

  4. Default Printing Settings

    On a report type, you can assign your custom print template as the default template or specify rules when it should be used. You can also set up the source record, default printer, and number of copies for the label or document you want to print.

    If you have multiple templates for the same label or document, you can set up rules for when to use each of them. Alternatively, if you apply the same condition to multiple rules, the associated templates become available for selection on the app.

    For more information, see Setting Up Printing Settings on Print Reports.

Creating Custom TXT or XML Print Files

Create custom print files on which you can specify the data you want to appear on your labels or documents for Mobile Printing. In your file cabinet, you can access and copy the standard print files. Copy the XML files to print labels in PDF format or the TXT files for labels in ZPL format. If no standard file is available for the label or document you want to print, create your own XML or TXT file. Use a file editor of your choice to customize your copy or new print file.

Advanced PDF template files are available for WMS labels, which you can copy and customize using the NetSuite template editor. See Creating Custom Advanced PDF Templates for Labels.


Do not customize the standard templates and template files directly. Customizations on standard print files and templates are overridden during SuiteApp updates.

To view the standard print files available for mobile printing, see the following topics:

The following instructions describe the steps to copy a standard file and upload your updated copy to the file cabinet.

To customize TXT or XML print files:

  1. Using the Mobile Administrator role, go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.

  2. On the File Cabinet page, on the navigation panel, access the Templates folder of the SuiteApp associated with the mobile app. You can follow this navigation path: SuiteBundles > Bundle <ID> > com.netsuite.<mobile app> > src > Templates.

    You can refer to the links in this topic, SCM Mobile SuiteApp Installation, for the bundle IDs of mobile apps.

    To upload print files that you have already customized, proceed to Step 5.

  3. To copy a standard XML or TXT print file, click Copy Files. On the Folder Contents page, check the box next to the file, and then click Copy.

  4. Update or modify your copy of the print file based on your label or document requirements.

    For examples of print file customizations, see the following topics:

  5. After you complete your customization, upload the print file to the file cabinet by clicking Add File.

    This step applies to new or copies of XML or TXT files, as well as Advanced PDF template files, that you have customized.

After uploading your custom print file, assign it to a custom print template. See Creating Templates for Custom Print Files.

Creating Custom Advanced PDF Templates for Labels

For NetSuite WMS, you can copy and customize the Advanced PDF template file of a standard item or pallet label, instead of the raw XML file.

On your copy of an Advanced PDF template, you can use the template or Source Code editor to add or hide fields. You can perform other customizations according to your label or document requirements.

For the list of standard Advanced PDF template files available for WMS labels, see WMS Standard Labels and Templates.

To create a custom Advanced PDF template for a label or document:

  1. Using the Administrator role, go to Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

  2. On the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates page, do one of the following:

    • To copy a WMS Advanced PDF template, click Edit next to the one you want to use for your label.

    • To create a PDF template, click New Template.

  3. On the Advanced PDF/HTML Template page, save a new or copy of the template by doing the following:

    1. Click Template Setup.

    2. On the Template Setup popup window, in the Title field, replace the default name with the name you want to assign to your template.


      Complete this step to ensure that you do not override the default template. You must change the title before saving your copy.

    3. Click Save to save the title and close the popup window.

    4. Click Change ID.

      Note this script ID, which you have to set up on your custom print template.

    5. On the Advanced PDF/HTML Template page, click Save As.

  4. You can update your new or copy of an Advanced PDF template through one of the following editors:

    Common customizations include the following:

  5. Click Save.

  6. To view your template updates, click Preview.

After creating your custom Advanced PDF template, you must save it to your file cabinet. See Creating Custom TXT or XML Print Files. Then, you can assign it to your print template. See Creating Templates for Custom Print Files.

Showing Data on Custom Labels or Documents

On your new or copy of a print file, you can show or hide data from a label or document. Choose a single source of data for a print file. You can choose one of the standard source records used in the standard print files and Advanced PDF templates. Standard source records include preconfigured fields for data that you can show on your label or document.

Standard source records may not include the data you want to use for your label or document. You can set up additional data through one of the following ways:

  • You can use the ten additional fields, named User Field, included in the standard source records.

    For example, the source record for the standard WMS item labels is the WMS Auto Printing Rule Evaluation Data record. It supplies the data for the item name and item description that appears on standard item labels. This source record also contains other preconfigured item and transaction data, such as the item quantity and transaction number. If you choose this source record for your template, you can use any of these available data.

    If you want to show additional data that is not preconfigured on this record, you can map them to the User Field fields.


    Use of the User Field fields apply to custom mobile processes and include customization procedures to set up field sourcing on Print button actions. After you complete all the procedures for print file and template set up, you can proceed to field sourcing for the User Field fields. For instructions, see Mapping User Fields for Custom Print Templates.

    For example, you want to display the item’s vendor on your item label in ZPL format. You can use User Field 1, the name of the first blank field in the WMS Auto Printing Rule Evaluation Data record. To set up this field, you can do the following:

    1. Using the ZPL template editor of your choice, you can add a line for the label of the vendor field.

    2. Add another line for the data of the vendor field. In this line, you can include the following string to map the vendor to User Field 1:


  • To set up more fields than those available in a standard record, choose a different NetSuite record or use saved search instead. From a NetSuite record, you can obtain data from the header or body fields. If you want to obtain sublist data, choose a new or existing saved search as your source.

The following tables show the list of preconfigured and additional data fields in the WMS Auto Printing Rule Evaluation Data standard source record:









Free-Form Text

Inventory Status


Free-Form Text

Item Quantity


Long Text




Item Description


Free-Form Text

Task Type



Item Group



Item Family








Free-Form Text

Units Type



Transaction Number



Transaction Type



Transaction Date



Inbound Shipment



Lot #


Free-Form Text

Lot Expiry Date



Default *


Free-Form Text

* The Default field has a preconfigured value of 1, which is used in the printing rules of some standard print report types. For more information, see Configuring Rules for Printers, Templates, or Number of Copies.


Additional Fields:


User Field 1


Free-Form Text

User Field 2


Free-Form Text

User Field 3


Free-Form Text

User Field 4


Free-Form Text

User Field 5


Free-Form Text

User Field 6


Free-Form Text

User Field 7


Free-Form Text

User Field 8


Free-Form Text

User Field 9


Free-Form Text

User Field 10


Free-Form Text

For the list of other source records used in the standard labels and documents, see Standard Report Types in Mobile Apps. To view the standard source records and their fields, using the Administrator role, go to Customization > Lists, Records, & Fields > Record Types.

To continue your custom print file setup, see Creating Custom TXT or XML Print Files or Showing Data on Custom Labels or Documents.

Adding a Logo to Custom Labels or Documents

In your file cabinet, you can upload the image file of the logo you want to display on your custom label or document.

To add a logo to a custom label or document:

  1. In your file cabinet, you can upload the image file of the logo you want to display on your custom label or document.

  2. On the File Cabinet page, do the following:

    1. From the navigation panel, click Images.

    2. Click Add File.

    3. On the popup window, search for the image file of the logo and then select it. Make sure that the correct file appears in the File name field. Then, click Open.

    4. On the File page, in the URL field, you can use the location of the image file to set up the logo on your custom print file or advanced PDF template.

    5. Click Save.

  3. After you upload the logo, you can set it up on your custom XML or TXT print file. To set up logos on Advanced PDF templates, see Creating Custom Advanced PDF Templates for Labels.

Creating Templates for Custom Print Files

After you create and upload a custom print file or WMS Advanced PDF template, you must associate it with a new template or a copy of an existing one. On your custom print template, specify the file cabinet path to your print file.


Do not replace the print files configured on the standard print templates.

To create templates for custom print files:

  1. Using the Mobile Administrator role, set up a standard or new mobile print template by doing either of the following:

    • To copy a standard template, go to Setup > Label Printing > Templates. On the Print -Templates List, click View next to the standard template you want to copy. On the Print -Template page, point to the Actions sublist, and then click Make Copy.

    • To create a new template, go to Setup > Label Printing > Templates > New.

  2. On the Print -Template page, enter values in the following fields:

    1. Name – Enter a unique name for your print template.

    2. Print Template Path – Enter the file cabinet path to your print file or Advanced PDF template by doing one of the following:

      • For XML or TXT print files, enter the default path, ~/src/Templates/, followed by your print template filename.

        Take for example the path for the standard item label PDF template: ~/src/Templates/ ItemLabelPDFTemplate.xml

      • For Advanced PDF templates, enter the script ID.


        You can find script IDs on the Templates list, which you can access by going to Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

  3. Click Save.

    To set up the printing preferences for your custom template, assign it to a report type. On a report type, you also map a print template with the source record used in its associated print file. See Setting Up Printing Settings on Print Reports.

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