Portugal SAF-T for Accounting

The Portugal Localization SuiteApp provides the PT SAF-T for Accounting file in the XML schema version 1.04_1. This file works only with OneWorld accounts without SuiteTax. You can generate this file on the Country Tax Reports page provided by the Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp.


The transactions included in your report are filtered by the Date field on the transaction record and the period that you select on the Country Tax Report page.

The PT SAF-T file contains the following information:


Please note that all numeric values in the Portugal SAF-T for Accounting file, including tax percentages and amounts, are displayed as absolute values.

Company Information

SAF–T PT Field Name

SAF–T PT Field Value

Source Information

Computer Audit File (AuditFileVersion)

Version 1.04_1

XML schema version required by the Portugal Tax and Customs Authority.

Company’s Commercial Registry Identification (CompanyID)

Combination of commercial registry office, and commercial registration number of company. If these are unavailable, the VAT registration number is displayed. Maximum of 50 characters.

Value fields of the Commercial Registry Office and Commercial Registration Number records provided by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp, or VAT Registration No. field (federalidnumber) on the Portugal subsidiary record.

Tax Registration Number (TaxRegistrationNumber)

VAT registration number without the two-letter country code. Maximum of 9 numeric characters.

VAT Registration No. field (federalidnumber) on the Portugal subsidiary record.

Accounting System (TaxAccountingBasis)

Preset to I


Company Name (CompanyName)

Company’s legal name, or name of a taxable individual

Legal Name field (legalname) on the subsidiary record.

Company Address (CompanyAddress)

XML node that includes address details, locality, postal code, district, and country.


Detailed Address (AddressDetail)

Includes street name, house number, and floor, if applicable. Maximum of 210 characters.

Address 1 field on the Addresses subtab on the subsidiary record.

Locality (City)

Name of city where the company is located. Maximum of 50 characters.

City field on the Addresses subtab on the subsidiary record.

Postal Code (PostalCode)

Zip code, maximum of 8 characters.

Zip field on the Addresses subtab on the subsidiary record.

District (Region)

Name of state where the company is located.

State field on the Addresses subtab on the subsidiary record.


Displays PT for Portugal.

Country field on the Addresses subtab on the subsidiary record.

Export Information

SAF–T PT Field Name

SAF–T PT Field Value

Source Information

Fiscal Year (FiscalYear)

Year of the starting date of the Fiscal Year.

For example, if the taxation period is on October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013, the Fiscal Year is 2012.


Start Date of the Filing Period (StartDate)

Starting date the scope of the PT SAF-T.

Start Period field on the Country Tax Report page.

End Date of the Filing Period (EndDate)

End date of the scope of the PT SAF-T.

End Period field on the Country Tax Report page.

Currency Code (CurrencyCode)

Three-letter code for the currency used.

Displays EUR for Euro.

Date Created (DateCreated)

The date when the PT SAF-T file was generated in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Date of PT SAF-T generation indicated under the Run On column on the Country Tax Report page.

Software Information

SAF–T PT Field Name

SAF–T PT Field Value

Source Information

Property Identification (TaxEntity)

Refers to the type of file: invoicing, or accounting or integrated file.

Displays Sede for cases of an accounting file or integrated file, which NetSuite supports.

Tax Identification of the Entity Producing the Software (ProductCompanyTaxID)

Tax identification number of NetSuite, maximum of 20 characters.

Displays 94-3310471.

Certification Number Assigned to Software (SoftwareCertificateNumber)

Displays 1691 to refer to NetSuite OneWorld accounts.

Certificate number assigned to NetSuite in accordance with Ordinance No. 363/2010, of 23 June.

Application Name (ProductID)

Displays NetSuite OneWorld/NetSuite Inc.

Name of the PT SAF-T file-generating software.

Application Version (ProductVersion)

Current NetSuite version. For example, 2021.2.

Version of the PT SAF-T file-generating software.

General Ledger (GL) Accounts Information


SAF–T PT Field Name

SAF–T PT Field Value

Source Information

Account Classification Framework (TaxonomyReference)

  • S – Standard Chart of Accounts

  • N – International Standard Chart of Accounts

  • M – SNC for Smaller Units

  • O – Other

Taxonomy Reference field on the Portugal subsidiary record.

Account ID (AccountID)

GL Account number, maximum of 30 characters.

Number field (acctnumber) in the account record, or the number specified in the accounting context, if used.

Account Description (AccountDescription)

Account name, maximum of 100 characters.

Name field (acctname) in the account record, or the name specified in the accounting context, if used.

Opening Account Debit Balance (OpeningDebitBalance)

Calculated opening debit balance in the beginning of the tax period.


For information about the calculation of credit and debit balances if period end journals are considered, see Period End Journals in PT SAF-T.

Opening Account Credit Balance (OpeningCreditBalance)

Calculated opening credit balance in the beginning of the tax period


Closing Account Debit Balance (ClosingDebitBalance)

Calculated debit closing balance at the end of the tax period or the generation date, if earlier.


Closing Account Credit Balance (ClosingCreditBalance)

Calculated credit closing balance at the end of the tax period or the generation date, if earlier.


Account Category and Type (GroupingCategory)

Two types of two-letter grouping categories:

  • General Accounting Category:

    • GR – First level of parent accounts with a 2-digit account number in the Portugal statutory Chart of Accounts.

    • GA – Intermediate-level account in the Portugal statutory Chart of Accounts.

    • GM – Posting child accounts.

  • Analytical Accounting Category:

    • AR – First level of parent accounts with a 2-digit account number in the Portugal statutory Chart of Accounts.

    • AA – Intermediate-level account in the Portugal statutory Chart of Accounts.

    • AM – Posting child accounts.

Grouping category from the field mapping. The Tax Audit Files SuiteApp is required. For more information, see Mapping Portugal GL Accounts to SAF-T Categories.

Account Hierarchy (GroupingCode)

If the GroupingCategory is GR/AR, this field is empty. If the GroupingCategory is GA/AA or GM/AM, this field shows the Account Number of its parent account.

Grouping code from the field mapping. The Tax Audit Files SuiteApp is required. For more information, see Mapping Portugal GL Accounts to SAF-T Categories.

Account Classification Code (TaxonomyCode)

Based on the indicated Taxonomy Reference S, N, or M.

Taxonomy code from the field mapping. The Tax Audit Files SuiteApp is required. For more information, see Mapping Taxonomy Codes to Portugal GL Accounts.

Customer Information


SAF–T PT Field Name

SAF–T PT Field Value

Source Information

Unique Customer Identifier (CustomerID)

Customer ID, maximum of 30 characters.

Internal ID of the customer record.

If projects were used (when using the Basic Projects feature), the ID is sourced from the customer associated with the project.

Account ID (AccountID)

Accounts Receivables account number, maximum of 30 characters.

Default Receivables Account field on the Financial subtab of the customer record. Accounting contexts, if available, apply.

If the field indicates User System Preference, and the account set on the Accounting Preferences page is associated with a Portugal subsidiary, the account number is displayed. If not, Desconhecido is filled in.

If the field is set to a specific account that is associated with a Portugal subsidiary, the account number is displayed. If not, Desconhecido is filled in.

Customer Tax Identification Number (CustomerTaxID)

  • 999999990 – If customer type is Individual.

  • Customer’s VAT Registration Number – If customer type is Company. This field does not include the country code.

  • Desconhecido – If a number is not entered.

Default Tax Reg. field on the Financial subtab of the customer record.

If projects were used (when using the Basic Projects feature), the TIN is sourced from the Default Tax Reg. field of the associated customer record.

Company Name (CompanyName)

  • Consumidor final – If the customer type is Individual.

  • Company name, maximum of 100 characters – If the customer type is Company.

Company Name field of the customer record.

Billing Address (BillingAddress)

Customer’s default billing address in Portugal.

Default billing address on the Address subtab of the customer record.

If projects were used (when using the Basic Projects feature), the default billing address in the associated customer record is used.

Detailed Address (AddressDetail)

Includes the street name, police number and floor of the customer’s address, maximum of 210 characters.

Displays Desconhecido if the Company Name indicates Consumidor final, or this part of the address is not filled.

Default billing address on the Address subtab of the customer record.

If projects were used (when using the Basic Projects feature), the default billing address of the associated customer record is used, including City, Region, Postal Code, and Country information.

Locality (City)

Name of city of the customer’s address, maximum of 50 characters.

Displays Desconhecido if the Company Name indicates Consumidor final, or if City is not filled.

City field of the default billing address form on the customer record.

Postal Code (PostalCode)

Zip code of the customer’s address, maximum of 20 characters.

Displays Desconhecido if the Company Name indicates Consumidor final, or if Zip is not filled.

Zip field of the default billing address form on the customer record.

District (Region)

Name of state of the customer’s address, maximum of 50 characters.

Displays Desconhecido if the Company Name indicates Consumidor final, or if State is not filled.

State field of the default billing address form on the customer record.


Country code, of customer’s address, in ISO 3166 - 1-alpha-2 format.

Displays Desconhecido if the Company Name indicates Consumidor final, or if Country is not filled.

Country field of the default billing address form on the customer record.


Customer’s phone number, maximum of 20 numeric characters.

Phone field on the customer record.

If projects were used (when using the Basic Projects feature), the telephone details of the customer associated with the project is used. Telephone details on the project record is not included.

Fax (Fax)

Customer’s fax number, maximum of 20 numeric characters.

Fax field on the customer record.

If projects were used (when using the Basic Projects feature), the fax details of the customer associated with the project is used. Fax details on the project record is not included.

Company Email (address(Email))

Customer’s email address, maximum of 254 characters.

Email field on the customer record.

If projects were used (when using the Basic Projects feature), the company email of the customer associated with the project is used. Email address on the project record is not included.

Self-Billing Indicator (SelfBillingIndicator)

Displays 0 because self-billing is not supported.


Vendor Information


SAF–T PT Field Name

SAF–T PT Field Value

Source Information

Unique Supplier Identifier (SupplierID)

Vendor ID, maximum of 30 characters.

Internal ID of the vendor record.

Account ID (AccountID)

Accounts Payables account number, maximum of 30 characters.

Default Payables Account field on the Financial subtab of the vendor record. Accounting contexts, if available, apply.

If the field indicates User System Preference, and the account set on the Accounting Preferences page is associated with a Portugal subsidiary, the account number is displayed. If not, Desconhecido is filled in.

If the field is set to a specific account that is associated with a Portugal subsidiary, the account number is displayed. If not, Desconhecido is filled in.

Supplier Tax Identification Number (SupplierTaxID)

Vendor’s VAT registration number without the country code, maximum of 30 characters.

Tax Registration Number field on the Financial subtab of the vendor record.

Company Name (CompanyName)

Vendor’s name, maximum of 100 characters.

If the vendor type is Individual, Desconhecido is displayed.

Company Name field (companyname) on the vendor record.

Billing Address (BillingAddress)

Vendor’s default billing address in Portugal.

Default billing address on the Address subtab of the vendor record.

Detailed Address (AddressDetail)

Includes the street name, police number and floor of the vendor’s address.

Default billing address on the Address subtab of the vendor record.

Locality (City)

Name of city of the vendor’s address, maximum of 50 characters.

City field of the default billing address form on the vendor record.

Postal Code (PostalCode)

Zip code of the vendor’s address, maximum of 20 characters.

Zip field of the default billing address form on the vendor record.

District (Region)

Name of state of the vendor’s address, maximum of 50 characters.

State field of the default billing address form on the vendor record.


Country code, of vendor’s address, in ISO 3166 - 1-alpha-2 format.

Country field of the default billing address form on the vendor record.


Vendor’s phone number, maximum of 20 numeric characters.

Phone field on the vendor record.

Fax (Fax)

Vendor’s fax number, maximum of 20 numeric characters.

Fax field on the vendor record.

Company Email (address(Email))

Vendor’s email address, maximum of 254 characters.

Email field on the vendor record.

Self-Billing Indicator (SelfBillingIndicator)

Displays 0 because self-billing is not supported.


Tax Information


SAF–T PT Field Name

SAF–T PT Field Value

Source Information

Tax Type Code (TaxType)

  • IVA – If referring to VAT. NetSuite only supports VAT.

  • NS – If the tax type is nontaxable, or not applicable.

Tax Type field in the tax code record with a Portugal nexus.

Tax Country or Region (TaxCountryRegion)

  • PT – Refers to mainland Portugal

  • PT-MA – Refers to Autonomous Region of Madeira

  • PT-AC – Refers to Autonomous Region of Azores

Portugal Fiscal Space field on the tax code record with a Portugal nexus.

Tax Code (TaxCode)

Displays any of the following three-letter codes depending on the specified tax code property:

  • NOR – Normal

  • INT – Intermediate

  • RED – Reduced

  • ISE – Exempt

  • OUT – Other special VAT registration

The tax code property specified in the Portugal Tax Code field on the tax code record with a Portugal nexus.

Tax Description (Description)

Tax code name and description

Tax Code field (itemid) and Description field on the tax code record with a Portugal nexus.

Tax Rate Percentage (TaxPercentage)

Tax rate percentage in two-decimal format

Rate field on the tax code record with a Portugal nexus.

GL Transactions Information



Transactions that are included in this section are not filtered by nexus.

SAF–T PT Field Name

SAF–T PT Field Value

Source Information

Record Number of Accounting Transactions (NumberOfEntries)

Total number of transactions


Total Credit (TotalCredit)

Total credit amount of all transactions in all accounting books (referred to as journals in PT SAF-T) included in the report.

Credit amounts on the GL Impact subtab of transactions included in the report.

Total Debit (TotalDebit)

Total debit amount of all transactions in all accounting books (referred to as journals in PT SAF-T) included in the report.

Debit amounts on the GL Impact subtab of transactions included in the report.

Journal (Journal)

Node that refers to accounting book.

This node includes adjustment-only books if such accounting books are used. If the report is generated using an adjustment-only book filter, this node includes the adjustment-only book and the base book.

If the Full Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled, you can find the list of accounting books under a Portugal subsidiary in Setup > Accounting > Multi-Book Accounting > Accounting Books.

Journal Identifier (JournalID)

Accounting Book ID if Full Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled. Otherwise, this node displays MAIN. Maximum of 30 characters.

Accounting Book internal ID, if Full Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled.

Diary Description (Description)

Name of accounting book if Full Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled. Otherwise, this node displays Main Journal. Maximum of 60 characters.

Name field on the accounting book record, if Full Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled.

Transaction (Transaction)

Node that includes transactions posted in this accounting book (called journal in PT SAF-T).

This node includes book-specific journals if such transaction types are used. If the report is generated using an adjustment-only book filter, this node includes book-specific transactions of the adjustment-only book and the base book.


Accounting Transaction Unique Key (TransactionID)

Concatenation of the transaction date in MMMM-MM-DD format, accounting book identifier (if the Full Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled), and the GL number from the GL Audit Numbering feature.

If the Full Multi-Book Accounting feature is disabled, the accounting book identifier portion displays MAIN.

Date field (trandate) on the transaction record, internal ID of accounting book, and GL number.

Accounting Period (Period)

Month of the taxation period, indicated by numbers 1 to 12, in relation to the starting month of the Fiscal Year. For example, if Fiscal Year started in March, then April, as the taxation period, is indicated by 2.

Adjustment periods are indicated by numbers after 12. For example, 13 or 14, depending on the order as they appear in the Manage Accounting Periods page.

The order in which accounting periods appear in the Manage Accounting Periods page.

Document Date (TransactionDate)

Transaction date.

Date field on the transaction record.

Code of user who registered the transaction (SourceID)

NetSuite user who created the transaction, maximum of 30 characters.

Name field on the employee record.

Description of the Movement (Description)

If the transaction has been assigned a digital signature (by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp), this node displays the transaction type and the Portugal Transaction ID.

If the transaction is without a digital signature, this node displays the transaction type and the document number.

For journal entries without a digital signature, the node displays the transaction type, document number, and header memo.

In case the document number does not exist, the transaction number is used instead.

Maximum of 200 characters.

Name of transaction type, Portugal Transaction ID field on the Portugal Transaction subtab.

Name of transaction type, Document Number field, and Memo field on the Primary Information subtab of the journal record.

Document File Number (DocArchivalNumber)

GL number, maximum of 20 characters.

GL number from the GL Audit Numbering feature.

Accounting Transaction Typification (TransactionType)

Displays N for Normal.

Only Normal. Other typification indications are not supported.

Accounting Transaction Date (GLPostingDate)

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Date field on the transaction record.

Customer Identifier (CustomerID)

Displays the customer ID if the transaction type is invoice, credit memo, cash sale, or cash refund.

CustomerID entry in the customer information node of the XML schema.

If projects were used (when using the Basic Projects feature), the ID is sourced from the customer associated with the project, not the project ID.

Vendor Identifier (SupplierID)

Displays the vendor ID if the transaction type is vendor bill, or bill credit.

SupplierID entry in the vendor information node of the XML schema.

Row Record Identifier (RecordID)

Debit line number, maximum of 30 characters.


Account ID (AccountID)

Account number, maximum of 30 characters

Number field (acctnumber) on the account record. Accounting context applies, if used.

Accounting Document Registration Date (SystemEntryDate)

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format, and time in hh:mm:ss format

Date entered.

Document Line Description (Description)

If the transaction has been assigned a digital signature (by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp), this node displays the transaction type and the Portugal Transaction ID.

If the transaction is without a digital signature, this node displays the transaction type and the document number.

For journal entries without a digital signature, the node displays the transaction type, document number, and header memo.

In case the document number does not exist, the transaction number is used instead.

Maximum of 200 characters.

Name of transaction type, Portugal Transaction ID field on the Portugal Transaction subtab.

Name of transaction type, Document Number field, and Memo field on the Primary Information subtab of the journal record.

Debit Amount (DebitAmount)

Debit amount.

Amount (Debit) column on the GL Impact subtab of the transaction record.

Row Record Identifier (RecordID)

Credit line number, maximum of 30 characters.


Account ID (AccountID)

Account number, maximum of 30 characters

Number field (acctnumber) on the account record. Accounting context applies, if used.

Document Line Description (Description)

If the transaction has been assigned a digital signature (by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp), this node displays the transaction type and the Portugal Transaction ID.

If the transaction has been assigned a digital signature (by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp), this node displays the transaction type and the Portugal Transaction ID.

For journal entries without a digital signature, the node displays the transaction type, document number, and header memo.

In case the document number does not exist, the transaction number is used instead.

Maximum of 200 characters.

Name of transaction type, Portugal Transaction ID field on the Portugal Transaction subtab.

Name of transaction type, Document Number field, and Memo field on the Primary Information subtab of the journal record.

Accounting Document Registration Date (SystemEntryDate)

Date in YYYY-MM-DD format, and time in hh:mm:ss format

Date entered.

Credit Amount (CreditAmount)

Credit amount.

Amount (Credit) column on the GL Impact subtab of the transaction record.

Related Topics

General Notices