Field Mapping for SAF-T File in Portugal Localization SuiteApp

This section provides steps for mapping Portugal GL accounts to taxonomy codes and grouping categories as a prerequisite procedure for successfully generating PT SAF-T files provided by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp.

If you are setting up for the PT SAF-T files provided by the Tax Audit Files SuiteApp, see Field Mapping for Portugal.

Mapping Portugal GL Accounts to SAF-T Categories

You must map all your GL accounts associated with a Portugal subsidiary to PT SAF-T account grouping category. Failure to do this will result in an error in generating the PT SAF-T file.

You can only perform this mapping process if you have the Tax Audit Files SuiteApp installed. For more information, see Prerequisites for Installing the Portugal Localization SuiteApp.


System-generated Portugal accounts that are not usually mapped because they are not used in any Portugal transaction are excluded from the SAF-T validation and the PT SAF-T files. For more information, see Management of System-Generated Portugal Accounts.

To map your Portugal accounts to SAF-T categories:

  1. Go to Setup > Tax Audit Files > Audit Files Field Mapping.

  2. In the Category field, select PT–SAFT: Account Grouping.

  3. In the Subsidiary field, select a Portugal subsidiary.

  4. In the Account Type field, select the type of general ledger posting type of account that is associated with a Portugal subsidiary.

  5. In the Value field on the Mapping subtab, select any of the following grouping categories:

    • AR – Account of the 1st level analytical accounting

    • AA – Summary or integrating account of the analytical accounting

    • AM – Checking account (movement account) of the analytical accounting

    • GR – Account of the 1st level general accounting

    • GA – Summary or integrating account of the general accounting

    • GM – Checking account (movement account) of the general accounting

  6. If the grouping category is GA/AA or GM/AM, in the Grouping Code field, enter the account number of the parent account.

    If the grouping category is GR/AR, keep the Grouping Code field empty.

  7. Click Save.


Make sure that you enter the correct grouping code to the appropriate grouping category. The grouping categories follow this hierarchy: GR/AR > GA/AA > GM/AM. Thus, the following conditions should always be met:

  • An account with a grouping category GM/AM must have a grouping code, which should be the account number of the parent account that is assigned a grouping category GA/AA or GR/AR.

    The grouping code of a GM/AM account should never be the account number of another GM/AM account.

  • An account with a grouping category GA/AA must have a grouping code, which should be the account number of the parent account that is assigned a grouping category GR/AR or GA/AA.

    The grouping code of a GA/AA account should never be the account number of a GM/AM account.

  • An account with a grouping category GR/AR is the highest level in the hierarchy of categories. It does not have a parent account. Thus, the grouping code must be empty.

Make sure that the accounts grouped together always belong to the same grouping category. Grouping codes of said accounts therefore must have the same initial letters, either G or A. If you fail to meet this condition, the relationship between the accounts is invalid, and the PT SAF-T file fails to be generated.

For more information about these types of accounts and their mapping structure, see the graphic below:


For information about this mapping procedure, see Mapping Standard NetSuite fields to PT SAF-T Required Categories in Field Mapping for Portugal.

You can also map your GL accounts to PT SAF-T account grouping using the CSV import. For more information, see Mapping PT-SAFT Account Grouping Using CSV Import.

Mapping Taxonomy Codes to Portugal GL Accounts

Taxonomy codes are included in the PT SAF-T file. You must fill-in taxonomy codes to your GL accounts associated with a Portugal subsidiary. You can only do this mapping process if you have the Tax Audit File SuiteApp installed. For more information, see Prerequisites for Installing the Portugal Localization SuiteApp.


Taxonomy codes are only validated for accounts with the category code GM. For accounts with other category codes, the mapping of taxonomy codes will be ignored.

To map taxonomy codes to your Portugal accounts:

  1. Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.

  2. Go to SuiteBundles > Bundle 47492 > Tax Audit Files CSV Templates.

  3. Download and save the template that corresponds to the taxonomy reference you specified on the Portugal subsidiary record:

    • For taxonomy reference Standard Chart of Accounts or International Standard Chart of Accounts, download PT Taxonomy Codes S template.csv.

    • For taxonomy reference SNC for Smaller Units, download PT Taxonomy Codes M template.csv.

    • For taxonomy reference Other, you do not have to map taxonomy codes.

  4. Create a saved search of GL accounts associated with your Portugal subsidiary.

    1. Go to Lists > Search > Saved Searches > New.

    2. Click Account.

    3. On the Criteria subtab, select Subsidiary in the Filter field.

    4. On the Saved Account Search page, select the name of your Portugal subsidiary, and click Set.

    5. Go to the Results subtab. On the Columns subtab, add the Internal ID and Name fields.

    6. Click Preview.

    7. Export to Excel (XLS) format.

  5. Open the XLS file export using an external application.

    1. Add two columns for Mapping Category and Mapping Value.

    2. Replace the column header for Internal ID with Mapping Key.

    3. Under the Mapping Category column, enter either PT SAF-T: Taxonomy S (Base & International Standard Chart of Accounts), or PT SAF-T: Taxonomy M (SNC for Smaller Units).

    4. Under the Mapping Value column, enter or copy the taxonomy code from the Mapping Value column on the Taxonomy S or Taxonomy M template you downloaded from the File Cabinet.

    5. Save the file to CSV format.

  6. Go to Setup > Import/Export > Import Tasks > Import CSV Records.

    1. In the Import Type field, select Custom Records.

    2. In the Record Type field, select TAF Mapping.

    3. In the Character Encoding field, select Western (Windows 1252).

    4. In the CSV Column Delimiter field, select Comma.

    5. Choose One File to Upload, and click Select... and find your CSV file saved in your computer.

    6. Click Next, and follow the instructions on the Import Assistant.

      For more information, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.

For information about this mapping procedure see Mapping Taxonomy Codes to Portugal Accounts Using CSV Import in Field Mapping for Portugal.

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