Portugal SAF-T for Shipping

The Portugal Localization SuiteApp provides the PT SAF-T for Shipping file in the XML schema version 1.04_1. This file contains information from item fulfillments, which act as the shipping documents or delivery notes, that are required in Portugal for businesses that use goods transportation. The PT SAF-T for Shipping file is then submitted to the Portugal Tax and Customs Authority (AT) to get the ATDocCodeIDs for each item fulfillment.

You can select which item fulfillments you want to include in the PT SAF-T for Shipping file. For more information, see Movement of Goods in Portugal Localization SuiteApp.


The Portugal SAF-T for Shipping file only contains the information from those item fulfillments that you manually select on the Generate SAF-T Shipping page before the file generation. Item fulfillments included in the report are filtered by subsidiary and optionally also by a set date range.

To generate the PT SAF-T for Shipping file, see Generating the SAF-T for Shipping File in Portugal Localization SuiteApp

The following sections describe the contents of the PT SAF-T for Shipping file:


Please note that all numeric values in the Portugal SAF-T for Shipping file, including tax percentages and amounts, are displayed as absolute values.


The header node contains your company or subsidiary details. Information about the SAF-T file export and the software used to generate the SAF-T file also belong to this node. The data in this node is sourced the same way as in other PT SAF-T files provided by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp. For more information, see the following topics:

Customers Information

The <Customer> node contains information about the customers associated with the item fulfillment records that are included in the SAF-T file. The data in this node is sourced the same way as in other SAF-T files provided by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp. For more information, see Customers Information.

Vendor Information

The <Supplier> node contains information about the vendors associated with the item fulfillment records that are included in the SAF-T file. The data in this node is sourced the same way as in the SAF-T files provided by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp. For more information, see Vendor Information.

Products Information

The <Product> node contains information about the items in the item fulfillment records that are included in the SAF-T file. The data in this node is sourced the same way as in the SAF-T for Billing provided by the Portugal Localization SuiteApp. For more information, see Products Information.

Movement of Goods Documents

The <MovementOfGoods> node contains information about all the item fulfillment records that you selected to include in the SAF-T for Shipping file.

PT SAF-T Field Name

PT SAF-T Field Value

Source Information

Number of Transaction Lines (NumberOfMovementLines)

Total number of item fulfillment transaction lines, including the canceled transactions, that are included in the SAF-T file.

Information from the item fulfillment records you selected on the Generate SAF-T Shipping page.

Total Quantity of Items (TotalQuantityIssued)

Sum of the quantity of the items in the considered item fulfillments.

Entries in the Quantity fields in the item fulfillment records you selected on the Generate SAF-T Shipping page.

Stock Movement Information

The <StockMovement> node contains information about all item fulfillment transactions selected for generating the SAF-T for Shipping under a specific Portugal subsidiary.

SAF–T PT Field Name

SAF–T PT Field Value

Source Information

Document Number (DocumentNumber)

Portugal Transaction ID

Portugal Transaction ID field on the item fulfillment record.


  • If the transaction does not have an attached document series identifier (DSI), this field displays 0.

  • If the DSI of the transaction does not have a validation code at the time of creation, this field displays 0.

  • If the transaction has an attached DSI with a validation code, this field displays the following:

    Document series' validation code - Sequence number of the transaction within document series

ATCUD field on the Portugal Transaction subtab of the transaction record.

Current Document Status (MovementStatus)

Displays N for Normal.

The SuiteApp does not support the display of other indicators of document sources.


Date of Document while in Current Status (MovementStatusDate)

Date and time, in the format YYYY-MM-DD T hh:mm:ss, when the current status of the transaction was set.

Certification Date field on the Portugal Transaction subtab of the transaction record

User Code (SourceID)

Code that identifies the user who updated the document to its current status, maximum of 30 characters.

User ID of the user in the Set By column on the System Information subtab of the transaction record.

Document Source (SourceBilling)

Displays P, which means the document was issued in the application used to generate the SAF-T file, not externally.

The SuiteApp does not support the display of other indicators of document sources.


Document Key (Hash)

Transaction’s digital signature, maximum of 172 characters.

If the transaction is not signed, or not required to be signed, this field displays 0.

Signature field on the Portugal Transaction subtab on the transaction record.

Control Key (HashControl)

The version of the private key used to create the document key (hash).

Displays 2.


Transport Document Date (MovementDate)

The date the item fulfillment was issued.

Date field (trandate) on the transaction record.

Transport Document Type (MovementType)

Diplays GR, which indicates delivery note by Portugal law. In NetSuite, the item fulfillment transaction type acts as the delivery note.


Document Recording Date (SystemEntryDate)

Date when the transaction was digitally signed, in this format: YYYY-MM-DD T hh:mm:ss.

Certification Date field on the Portugal Transaction subtab of the transaction record.

Transaction Identifier (TransactionID)

This field is only displayed if the item fulfillment has the status Shipped

If the Full Multi-Book Accounting feature is not enabled, this field displays the Transaction Date, MAIN, and GL Number.

If the Full Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled, this field displays the Transaction Date, Accounting Book ID, and GL Number.

Date field (trandate) on the transaction record.

Accounting Book internal ID, if Full Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled.

Customer Identifier (CustomerID)


Supplier Identifier (SupplierID)

Customer ID and Supplier ID, maximum of 30 characters.

This field displays Customer ID when the item fulfillment is created from a:

  • Sales Order

  • Transfer Order

  • Intercompany Transfer Order

This field displays Supplier ID when the item fulfillment is created from a:

  • Vendor Return Authorization

Internal ID of the customer record.

If projects were used (when using the Basic Projects feature), the ID is sourced from the customer associated with the project, not the project ID.

For Transfer Orders, the Customer ID consists of the prefix SUB and an Internal ID of subsidiary.

For Intercompany Transfer Orders, the Customer ID consists of the prefix SUB and an Internal ID of the destination subsidiary.

User Code (SourceID)

Code that identifies the employee who created the document.

User ID of the user in the Set By column on the System Information subtab of the transaction record.

Delivery Address (ShipTo)

Node that contains the delivery address details.

If the item fulfillment is created from a:

  • Sales Order - Shipping Address subtab in the item fulfillment record.

  • Transfer order (TO) or Intercompany transfer order (ITO) - Address on the location record indicated in the

    To Location field on the TO or ITO.

  • Vendor Return Authorization - Shipping Address subtab in the item fulfillment record.

Detailed Address (AddressDetail)

Includes the street name, house number and floor, maximum of 210 characters.

Displays Desconhecido if this part of the address is not filled in.

Address field

Locality (City)

Name of city of the customer’s address, maximum of 50 characters.

Displays Desconhecido if City is not filled in.

City field

Postal Code (PostalCode)

Zip code of the customer’s address, maximum of 20 characters.

Displays Desconhecido if Zip is not filled in.

Zip field

Country (Country)

Country code, of customer’s address, in ISO 3166 - 1-alpha-2 format.

Displays Desconhecido if Country is not filled in.

Country field

Source Address (ShipFrom)

Node that contains the address from where the goods were shipped, and the date of shipping.

If the item fulfillment is created from a:

  • Sales Order - Address on the Location record used in the sales order.

  • Transfer order (TO) or Intercompany transfer order (ITO) - Address on the location record indicated in the

    From Location field on the TO or ITO.

  • Vendor Return Authorization (VRA) - Address on the location record used in the VRA.

Delivery Identifier (DeliveryID)

License plate number of the transport vehicle, or if this is not applicable, the type of vehicle or delivery method used.

This field is only displayed if the License Plate or Shipping Method are present. If these values are absent, the field is not displayed.

License Plate field on the item fulfillment, or, if empty, Shipping Method (shipmethod) field.

Detailed Address (AddressDetail)

Includes the street name, house number and floor, maximum of 210 characters.

Displays Desconhecido if this part of the address is not filled in.

Address field

Locality (City)

Name of city of the customer’s address, maximum of 50 characters.

Displays Desconhecido if City is not filled in.

City field

Postal Code (PostalCode)

Zip code of the customer’s address, maximum of 20 characters.

Displays Desconhecido if Zip is not filled in.

Zip field

Country (Country)

Country code, of customer’s address, in ISO 3166 - 1-alpha-2 format.

Displays Desconhecido if Country is not filled in.

Country field

Start of Transport of Goods (MovementStartTime)

Date and time, in YYYY-MM-DD T hh:mm:ss format, when the shipment of goods started

Movement of Goods Start Time field on the item fulfillment

Transaction Line Information

The <Line> node describes the items in an item fulfillment.

The items included in the report are the line items in a given item fulfillment record that are of the following types: Assembly, Group, Inventory, Non-Inventory, Kit/Package, Service, and Other Charge. For more information, see Item Types.


For Kit/Package items, the Portugal SAF-T for Billing report only includes one line per item type. Therefore, the report does not include lines for the components of these items that are present on the item fulfillment record in NetSuite.

PT SAF-T Field Name

Field Value

Source Information

Line Number (LineNumber)

Transaction line number.


Product or Service Identifier (ProductCode)

Unique item code, maximum of 60 characters. This displays the same value as on the ProductCode field under the <Product> node. For more information, see Products Information.

Item Name/Number field (itemid) on the item type record.

Product or Service Description (ProductDescription)

Item display name, maximum of 200 characters. If empty, this field uses the value from the ProductCode field. This is the same value on the SAF-T Accounting ProductDescription field under Products Information.

Display Name/Code field (displayname) on the item record.

Quantity (Quantity)

Item quantity.

Quantity column on the Items subtab of the transaction record.

Unit of Measure (UnitOfMeasure)

Unit used to measure quantity.

Primary Base Unit field (baseunit) on the item record.

Unit Price (UnitPrice)

Price per unit of an item without tax.

If a discount applies, it displays the discounted price per unit.

Rate column on the Items subtab of the transaction record.

Discount rates are sourced from the Rate field (discountrate) on the Items subtab, or the Rate column if a line discount is applied.

Unit Price is preset to the value 0.00.

Item Description (Description)

By default, this field is set to the Item Description value. It can be overwritten with a custom value. If the field is empty, it displays the value Desconhecido.

Description column on the Items subtab of the transaction record.

Debit (DebitAmount)


Credit (CreditAmount)

This field shows one of the two following values:

  • Debit amount of the transaction line

  • Credit amount of the transaction line

Amount (Debit) column on the GL Impact subtab of the transaction record.


Amount (Credit) column on the GL Impact subtab of the transaction record.

This value is preset to 0.00.

Document Totals Information

The <DocumentTotals> node contains the following information:

PT SAF-T Field Name

Field Value

Source Information

Tax Payable Amount (TaxPayable)

Total tax amount.

Tax Amount column on the Items subtab of the sales order, transfer order, intercompany transfer order, or vendor return authorization (from which the item fulfillment is created).

Total Document without Taxes (NetTotal)

Total net amount without taxes.

Amount column on the Items subtab of the sales order, transfer order, intercompany transfer order, or vendor return authorization (from which the item fulfillment is created).

Total Document without Taxes is preset to the value 0.00.

Total Document with Taxes (GrossTotal)

Gross amount.

Gross Amount column on the Items subtab of the sales order, transfer order, intercompany transfer order, or vendor return authorization (from which the item fulfillment is created).

Related Topics

General Notices