Performing Bulk Picking
On the app, the Multi-order Picking option also enables you to process waves set to the Bulk Picking type. You can pick the entire quantity of a single item from consolidated orders released in a wave transaction. The app automatically distributes the appropriate quantities across the orders in the wave. For more information, see Creating Wave Transactions or Pick Task Assignment.
Serialized items that you include in a wave for bulk picking follow the multi-order picking flow on the app, including these system rules that you may have activated:
Use cartons for multi-order picking? to add pick cartons as you process serialized items within bulk order picking waves
Enable Tally Scan?, which is not available for inventory and lot items within bulk picking waves
For more information about rules that affect order picking, see Picking Orders.
When you process orders for warehouses with no bins or non-inventory items, skip the steps for bin entry and staging.
To perform bulk picking:
Access bulk picking by doing the following:
On the mobile app, tap the menu icon at the left corner of the header, and then tap Main Menu.
From the Main Menu, tap Picking.
From the Picking menu, tap Multi-order Picking.
On the Select Wave page, do one of the following:
Tip:Make sure you enter a wave assigned with the Bulk Picking type.
In the Scan/Enter Wave # field, scan or enter the wave transaction number. If you enter the data, tap Enter Wave # to proceed.
From the Waves list, tap the wave number you want to select.
On the Select Pick Task page, do one of the following:
In the Scan/Enter Pick Task # field, scan or enter the pick task number. If you enter the data, tap Enter Pick Task.
From the Pick Tasks list, tap the item associated with the pick task you want to process.
In the Quantity column, a zero quantity indicates that items associated with the pick task have been fully picked.
For warehouses with bins, you can stage previously completed items or partially picked items. Tap the more options
icon, and then tap Go to Staging. See step 9.
Alternatively, you can select the same pick task and pick from another bin.
For warehouses with no bins or non-inventory items, you can proceed to Posting Item Fulfillments for Partially Picked Orders.
Alternatively, you can process another pick task from the same order before you post the fulfillments.
For warehouses with bins and inventory item types, on the Enter Bin page, do one of the following:
In the Scan/Enter Bin field, scan or enter the bin number. If you enter the data, tap Enter Bin to proceed.
In the Recommended Bin field, tap the picking bin you want to select.
Tap the Show all bins toggle, and then from the list of available bins, tap the picking bin you want to select.
On the Enter Item page, do one of the following:
In the Scan/Enter Item field, scan or enter the item name, number, alias, or UPC. If you enter the data, tap Enter Item to proceed.
In the Item to Pick field, tap the item you want to select.
On the Enter Quantity page, do the following:
Optionally, depending on the features you use, you can change the unit or inventory status. Make sure that you select the appropriate unit or inventory status for the item or lot. For locations with no bins, to view the stock locations for the item, you can tap the Show Stock Locations toggle.
In the Enter Quantity field, enter the number of items you want to pick in one of the following ways:
Tip:If you want to skip the pick task for an order, you can tap the more options
icon, and then tap Skip. The number of the next order appears in the Order field.
If you have scanned an item bar code that includes the quantity on the previous page, you can review the prepopulated quantity.
Enter the total number of items you want to pick. For the following cases, you can enter the quantity as follows:
For multiple lot numbers, enter the total quantity for one lot number.
If you use pick cartons, you can enter the total quantity you want to pick and add to a carton.
If you use Tally Scanning for serialized items in a bulk picking wave, do not enter a quantity in this field. In the Tally Scan Serial field, scan each serialized item bar code or serial number.
You can review the total quantity scanned in the Enter Quantity field. If you have no remaining items to process, you are forwarded automatically to the next page..
For information about picking partial quantities, see Picking Orders Partially.
For lot items, in the Scan/Enter Lot field, scan or enter the lot number.
Alternatively, from the list of available lots, tap the lot number you want to select. Skip step d.
If you have no remaining quantity to pick, you can tap Enter Quantity. You can repeat steps a -d to enter the quantity for another order.
If you enter a partial quantity and have no available quantity to pick, you can tap Bin Empty or No Stock instead. If you are redirected to the Select Pick Task page to process another task, return to step 3.
To pick remaining items from a different bin, tap the more icon, and then tap Other Bin. It redirects you to the Enter Bin page, unless you must first enter a pick carton or serial number as described in steps 7 to 8. For bin selection, return to step 4.
For serialized items, on the Enter Serial Number page, do either of the following:
In the Scan/Enter Serial Number field, scan or enter the serial number. If you enter the data, tap Enter Serial Number to proceed. Repeat this step until you have provided all the serial numbers for the total quantity you want to pick.
You can view the list of available serial numbers by tapping the Show possible serial numbers toggle. You can copy a serial number from the list.
If the bin does not contain more than the quantity you entered, you can tap Pick All to empty it out. For more information about this option, see Serialized Items in Waves.
If you entered a partial quantity, you are redirected to the Enter Quantity page. Return to step 6.
For serialized items, if you enabled cartons for this process, do the following:
Tip:You can use the same pick carton for items that belong to the same order only.
In the Scan/Enter Carton field, scan or enter the pick carton. If you enter the data, tap Enter Carton to proceed.
Alternatively, from the Used Cartons list, tap the pick carton you want to select.
If you print carton labels manually, make sure you complete your printing before you proceed. For instructions, see Manually Printing Labels from Your Mobile Device.
If you entered a partial quantity, you are redirected to the Enter Quantity page. Return to step 7.
On the Pick Task Complete page, you can proceed to one of the following options:
For warehouses with bins and inventory item types, to stage the picked items, tap Go to Staging. On the Enter Staging Bin page, do one of the following:
Note:If the order contains multiple pick tasks, process all the pick tasks that you want to stage in the same bin before you proceed.
In the Scan/Enter Staging Bin field, scan or enter the outbound staging bin. If you enter the data, tap Enter Staging Bin to proceed.
Tap the Show all bins toggle, and then from the list of bins, tap the outbound staging bin you want to select.
The Staging Complete page appears and displays the summary of orders you have completely processed. You can view the quantity of items that have been distributed per order.
To process another pick task from the same wave, tap Next Pick Task. You are redirected to the Select Pick Task page. Start from step 4.
To process another multi-order wave transaction, tap Next Wave. You are redirected to the Select Wave page. Start from step 3.
Based on your fulfillment preference, NetSuite WMS automatically creates or updates fulfillment records for the fully picked or staged inventory items. For partially picked items, you must close the associated pick tasks to fulfill the orders. See Posting Item Fulfillments for Partially Picked Orders. For more information about the fulfillment preference, see Viewing the Status of Fulfillment Generation.