Item Options Subtab
The Item Options subtab displays properties associated with how item options and custom transaction line fields display in your web store across the application.
Show Only the Fields Listed In: Item Options and Custom Transaction Line Fields
This property applies to:
SuiteCommerce Advanced -Elbrus and later
This Boolean specifies what item options and transaction line fields render in your web store. If unchecked (default), all custom transaction line fields and custom item options appear on your site. If checked, only those fields listed in the Item Options and Custom Transaction Line Fields table (on this subtab) appear.
More Information: Commerce Custom Fields
ID |
ItemOptions.showOnlyTheListedOptions |
UI location |
Shopping Catalog > Item Options |
JSON file |
Item.Options.json |
Item Options and Custom Transaction Line Fields
This set of properties is titled Item Options in the Vinson release of SuiteCommerce Advanced.
This section specifies how some custom fields display in your web store. For SuiteCommerce and the Elbrus release of SuiteCommerce Advanced and later, these properties include Item Options and Custom Transaction Line fields. For Vinson release and earlier, these properties only apply to Item Options. Each field listed in this table can contain the following properties:
Item Options ID (string) – specifies the internal identifier of the Custom Item Field being displayed. If declared, this matches the ID field of the corresponding Custom Item Field record in NetSuite. This property is only valid for the Vinson release of SuiteCommerce Advanced and earlier and is not required.
Cart Option ID (string) – specifies the internal identifier of the Item Option being displayed. This matches the ID field of the Item Option record you want to display on your site. This property is required and used as the primary key.
Color Palette (string) – maps a color label to its hexadecimal value. This object is used by the item options and faceted navigation.
Label (string) – specifies the text of the item option displayed in the user interface.
URL Parameter Name (string) – specifies the key of the option that appears in the URL. This property applies to Elbrus release and later.
Use Labels on URL (Boolean) – specifies how the item option appears in the URL. If set to false (default), the URL displays the option’s Internal ID (for example,
. If set to true, the URL contains the option's internal ID label. For example,
. This property applies to Elbrus release and later. -
Sort Index (integer) – specifies the position in which the current option displays in the PDP. The lower the number, the sooner it renders in the custom field. If the Sort Index field is empty, its value is 0. This property applies to the SuiteCommerce Advanced Elbrus release and later.
Selector Template (string) – specifies the template that renders the item option or transaction column field in the PDP and the Cart. This template provides the user with a means to select an option (for example, Item Color = Blue).
The associated field uses this template instead of the default selector template (as defined in the Default Selector Templates by Item Option Type property defined elsewhere on this subtab).
Show Option in Item Lists (Boolean) – specifies if the item option appears in the faceted search results page. This property applies to Elbrus release and later.
Facet Cell Template (string) – specifies the template used to render the item on the faceted search results page.
The associated field uses this template instead of the default facet cell template (as defined in the Default Facet Cell Templates by Item Option Type property defined elsewhere on this subtab). This property applies to Elbrus release and later.
Selected Template (string) – specifies the template used to render the item option or transaction column field in Checkout and My Account.
The associated field uses this template instead of the default selected template (as defined in the Default Selected Templates by Item Option Type property defined elsewhere on this subtab).
More Information: Commerce Custom Fields
IDs |
IDs (Pre-Elbrus)
In Vinson release of SCA, these properties are located on the Shopping tab and Item Options subtab. |
UI location |
Shopping Catalog > Item Options |
JSON file |
Item.Options.json |
Configuration file (pre-Vinson) |
SC.Configuration.js |