Extensions Subtab

The settings on this subtab let you configure properties related to the extensions used on your site.

Extensibility Layer Safe Mode

This property applies to:

  • SuiteCommerce Advanced 2020.2.1 and later

  • SuiteCommerce

This Boolean is enabled by default for SuiteCommerce sites. For SuiteCommerce Advanced sites, this Boolean is disabled by default.

You should enable this Boolean so that you are aware of extensions that are not developed through the Extensibility API layer and can take action to revise them. Future releases of SuiteCommerce and SuiteCommerce Advanced will not support extensions that do not use the Extensibility API layer.


If this option is disabled, unsafe extensions are allowed to run even though they may not function as expected going forward. If you allow unsafe extensions to run on your SuiteCommerce site, eventually a future version will be automatically applied to your account that could break those extensions. If you allow unsafe extensions to run on your SuiteCommerce Advanced site, those extensions won’t function as expected when you upgrade to a more recent version of SCA.

When enabled, this Boolean causes notifications to display in the web browser console at runtime when extensions that directly customize or import private core modules are loaded into your site. These extensions should instead be implemented using the Overview. The following types of notifications are displayed:

  • An error is displayed when an extension customizes or imports a core module that is disallowed.

    When an error is generated, the extension that customizes or imports a disallowed module is not loaded into the site. The functionality provided by the extension will not be available in the site, but otherwise the site is not affected.

  • A warning is displayed when an extension customizes or imports a core module that is allowed for now, but will be disallowed in the future.

    When a warning is generated, the extension is loaded into the site and the functionality provided by the extension is available. However, be sure to revise these extensions to use the Extensibility API layer as soon as possible to ensure their continued functionality. All extensions that initially generate warnings will eventually generate errors.



UI location

Advanced > Extensions

JSON file


Related Topics

General Notices