Configuring Rules for Printers, Templates, or Number of Copies

You can add criteria-based rules for the following print report fields, which appear on the app’s Print popup window:

Based on these sample cases, when you print an item label for Location A, the mobile app displays the printer you specify in the printer rule. It applies both the template and number of copies rules when you print a label for Item A. If no rule applies to your print request, it uses your default print report type settings.

The mobile app evaluates and applies printing rules as you submit print requests during processing. You can set up rules on a standard or custom print report type, depending on your printing requirements.

For example, you set up different print templates for an item label you want to print. On the report type, you can create rules that specify when to use each template. If you want to apply the same rule to different templates, you can specify the same condition on each rule. During manual printing, templates that have the same condition appear as options in the Template field of the Print popup window.

Make sure that all the print templates you want to set up use the same source record as the one used by the report type. When you set up conditions for your printing rules, you can use only the data from the source record used by the report type.


Before you configure a rule on a print report, make sure you have already assigned a default setting for the printer, template, and number of copies. Otherwise, you might encounter an error when adding a mapping or rule. To set up default fields on a print report type, see Setting Up Printing Settings on Print Reports.

To configure rules for printers, templates, or number of copies:

  1. Depending on your role, access the Report Type List page through one of the following menu paths:

    • Mobile Administrator role: Go to Setup > Label Printing > Report Types.

    • Packing or Ship Central Administrator role: Go to Setup > Printing Setup > Print Reports.

  2. On the Report Type List, click Edit next to the item or pallet label you want to configure.

    The Report Type page appears.

  3. Click the Mappings subtab, and then do the following:

    1. Click the subtab for the printing rule to which you want to add a mapping: Printers, Templates, or Number of Copies.

    2. Click Add Mapping to open the Mapping popup window.

      Add mappings to specify the data you want to use as the criteria or condition for your rule. You can choose only from the data available in the source record configured in the report type.

    3. In the Source Field ID field, select the field associated with the data you want to use in your rule.

      For example, to create a template rule for a specific location, choose a location field. To create one for multiple items, choose an item field. For more information about source fields, see Showing Data on Custom Labels or Documents.

      If you want to use a custom source field or a User Field field, be sure to configure it in the Before Print action of a custom mobile process. See Setting Up Print Button Actions.

    4. In the Source Field Type field, select one of the supported data types for source fields:

      • Text – for List/Record fields

      • Value – for fields other than a List/Record


        Custom source fields are assigned the Value type.

    5. Click Save.

    Repeat this step to add more mappings.

  4. To set up a printing rule, click the Rules subtab, and then do the following:

    1. Click the subtab for the rule you want to define: Printers, Templates, or Number of Copies.

    2. Click Add Rule.

      On the Rule popup window, you can view and set up the source fields mapped in Step 3.

    3. For each source field, you can set up the data that you want to use for your rule criteria in the Operator and Value fields. For guidance, you can refer to the following table, which shows source fields from the WMS Auto Printing Rule Evaluation Data standard record:

      Source Field Example


      Sample Value

      (Location field)


      equal to – Select this operator to assign a single value

      Location A

      (Item field)


      any of – Select this operator to assign multiple values

      Item A

      Item B

      On the Rules subtab, this setting appears in the Criteria column.

      Based on your printing requirements, you can set up one or more source fields for each rule. Each value you choose specifies or limits the conditions for when you want to apply the rule to a printer, template, or number of copies.

      You can set up the same criteria on multiple rules to apply the same rule to different print templates or printers.

    4. In the Evaluation Order field, enter a number greater than zero that indicates the rule’s position in the evaluation order sequence.

      The mobile app evaluates rules based on the number, in ascending order.

      If you have rules that use the same condition for different templates or printers, you can assign them the same evaluation order number. This setting displays multiple template or printer options on the app, which you can choose from during printing.

    5. Enter or select the rule value in the field that corresponds to the type of rule you want to create:

      • In the Printer field, select the name of the printer you want to use when the rule is applied.

      • In the Template field, select the name of the print template you want to use when the rule is applied

      • In the Number of Copies field, enter a number greater than zero for the number of copies you want to print when the rule is applied.

        To define a dynamic value, you can enter an expression that evaluates to the number of copies, or the ID of a numeric field that contains the value of the number of copies.

      The rule criteria set up in Step 4.c applies to the printer, template, or number of copies that you select.

    6. Click Apply.

  5. Click Save.

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