You can create a group of Data Exchange or Planning and Budgeting jobs that you want to run from NetSuite. The group can only contain jobs that you have previously added in NetSuite. See Adding a Job in NetSuite. The job parameters you set for the group override the parameters set for the data load rules executed as part of the group.
The jobs in the group are executed one by one in 15–minute intervals. The next job cannot start until the previous job is completed and the nearest 15–minute interval begins.
To use NetSuite to schedule and run a group of jobs configured in Data Exchange or your Planning and Budgeting, you need to create and configure the group in NetSuite.
To create and configure a group of jobs:
In NetSuite, go to Planning & Budgeting > Jobs > Manage Jobs.
Click the Add Job button.
From the Job Type dropdown list, select Group.
In the Job Name field, enter a unique name for this group of jobs.
In the Description field, enter a description to help you identify this group of jobs in NetSuite.
Click Next.
On the Members subtab, do the following:
In the Job Name column, add the jobs that you want to include in the group. You can only add jobs that you have added and configured in NetSuite for the integration. See Job Types.
The members of the group will be executed in the order in which you add them to the column.
Check the Abort on Failure box if you want to stop executing the sequence of jobs after a job in the group fails. If you clear the box, and a member of the group fails, the group job continues executing the next and the subsequent jobs in the sequence.
To specify the accounting period during which the group of jobs should be executed, click the Job Parameters subtab, and do the following:
From the Period Type dropdown list, choose one of the following target date periods:
Relative to specify an accounting period that is relative to the current date.
Absolute to set up a specific date range.
Substitution Variables to use the substitution variables configured in your Planning and Budgeting to set up the start and end month and year of the accounting period.
Note:The Substitution Variables period type is only supported for data load rules loading data. For data load rules loading metadata, the Absolute or Relative period types need to be used.
For Relative and Absolute, you have the following options:
Start Period
End Period
For Substitution Variables, you have the following options:
Start Period Month
Start Period Year
End Period Month
End Period Year
Specify the Import Mode and Export Mode of the job execution, as defined in Data Exchange.
To apply the parameters set for each data load rule in the group, check the Use Values from Member box. Leaving the box clear overrides the data load rule parameters with the group parameters.
Note:This option applies only to the data load rules within the group and does not impact other jobs in the group.
To schedule the group execution, click the Schedule subtab, and follow step 3 in Scheduling a Job in NetSuite.
Click Save.