Data Load Rule
If you want to use NetSuite to schedule and run a data load rule configured in Data Exchange, you need to add the data load rule in NetSuite. Then, you can set up the data load rule as needed.
To add and set up a data load rule:
Log in to NetSuite, and go to Planning & Budgeting > Jobs > Manage Jobs.
On the Planning & Budgeting Jobs page, do one of the following:
In the list of jobs, click Edit next to a data load rule of your choice.
If you do not see the data load rule in the list, and you have the Administrator role, click the Add Job button, and follow steps 3 through 6 in Adding a Job in NetSuite.
If you want to specify the accounting period during which the data load rule should be executed, click the Job Parameters subtab, and do the following:
From the Period Type dropdown list, choose one of the following target date periods:
Relative to specify an accounting period that is relative to the current date.
Absolute to set up a specific date range.
Substitution Variables to use the substitution variables configured in your Planning and Budgeting to set up the start and end month and year of the accounting period.
Note:The Substitution Variables period type is only supported for data load rules loading data. For data load rules loading metadata, the Absolute or Relative period types need to be used.
For Relative and Absolute, you have the following options:
Start Period
End Period
For Substitution Variables, you have the following options:
Start Period Month
Start Period Year
End Period Month
End Period Year
Specify the Import Mode and Export Mode of the job execution, as defined in Data Exchange.
If you want to schedule the data load rule, click the Schedule subtab, and follow step 3 in Scheduling a Job in NetSuite.
If you want to override the saved search criteria next time a saved search is run, click the Source Filters subtab, and do the following:
In the Name column, add the names of source filters that are defined in your Planning and Budgeting. The field values must match exactly, including upper and lower case.
From the Value dropdown list for each of the source filters in the list, select the substitution variables by which you want to filter the saved search results.
Read the following details about using the source filters:
When you run the data load rule, this setting overrides the filters you have previously defined in NetSuite on the saved search record’s Criteria subtab.
When you want to use a different substitution variable for filtering, you can change it here instead of logging in to your Planning and Budgeting and changing it there. For information about how you can use NetSuite to manage substitution variables configured in your Planning and Budgeting, see Substitution Variables.
When you run the data load rule, and use source filters, you can expect the following behavior:
NSPB Sync applies filter operators you defined in NetSuite on the saved search record’s Criteria subtab.
NSPB Sync ignores the condition that is set for the source filters in Data Exchange.
For example, if you set a date as a source filter value in Data Exchange, NSPB Sync applies the filter operator from NetSuite to that source filter.
This functionality lets you pass the start and end date for a target period from Data Exchange to NetSuite, and filter NetSuite saved searches based on that target period. To pass the start and end dates, you can use the following variables as source filter values in Data Exchange:
For more information about using these variables in Data Exchange, see Selecting Period Report Parameters from the Oracle ERP Cloud in the Oracle Help Center.
Note:Make sure the date format you use when you set these variables in Data Exchange is compatible with NetSuite. For information about the NetSuite date formats, see Formatting Dates, Numbers, Phone Numbers, and Time.
For optional setup of the data load rule, click the Options subtab, and do the following:
From the Post–processing Plug-in dropdown list, select a plug-in of your choice. The field is set to None by default.
For information about how you can use post-processing plug-ins for the integration purposes, see Using Post-Processing Plug-ins with NSPB Sync.
If you want to store the log file of the executed job in NetSuite, check the Save Execution Logs in NetSuite box.
Click Save.