Data Map
If you want to use NetSuite to schedule and run a data map job configured in your Planning and Budgeting, you need to add the job in NetSuite. Then, you can set up the job as needed.
To add and set up a data map job:
Log in to NetSuite, and go to Planning & Budgeting > Jobs > Manage Jobs.
On the Planning & Budgeting Jobs page, do one of the following:
In the list of jobs, click Edit next to a data map job of your choice.
If you do not see the job in the list, and you have the Administrator role, click the Add Job button, and follow steps 3 through 6 in Adding a Job in NetSuite.
Click the Job Parameters subtab.
If you want to clear the target database before copying data, check the Clear Data box.
If you want to schedule the job, click the Schedule subtab, and follow step 3 in Scheduling a Job in NetSuite.
Click Save.
For information about using data maps in your Planning and Budgeting, see Pushing Data Using Data Maps in the Oracle Help Center.