System Reconciliation Rules

Intelligent Transaction Matching runs built-in matching rules to match imported data with existing account transactions in NetSuite. You can find these rules on the Reconciliation Rules page, although you cannot edit or remove them. NetSuite prioritizes system rules in the following order:


If a rule identifies two or more possible transactions in NetSuite to match, the system cannot perform a transaction match. The system is unable to know which transaction to match, so you need to manually match the appropriate transaction, instead.

Here’s an example where a manual match is needed: An imported bank deposit has an amount of $70 and a date of 03/22/2023. NetSuite contains two transactions that are possible match candidates: a $70 deposit with a date of 02/14/2023 and a $70 deposit with a date of 01/16/2023. Because the transactions have the same amount and are at or before the date of the imported bank deposit, both meet the system's match criteria. Due to this ambiguity, the system cannot choose one transaction over the other. Instead, you need to determine the appropriate choice and perform a manual match.

For system rules to automatically match transactions based on the transaction number, they must match the Transaction ID from the imported bank line with the NetSuite Check Number. The NetSuite Check Number corresponds to the:

For details, see Transaction Types in Matching Rules.

Match on Transaction Number and Amount

Using this rule, Intelligent Transaction Matching attempts to find transaction matches on imported transaction ID and (general ledger) account transaction check number. Intelligent Transaction Matching also attempts to find matches for groups of transactions with the same transaction number.

The date of the account transaction must also be the same as or before the date of the imported bank line.

Therefore, Intelligent Transaction Matching successfully matches the transactions if the transaction number and amount are exact matches, and the date of the account transaction is the same as or before the imported transaction date.

For a Many-to-One Transaction Matches or Many-to-Many Transaction Matches match, Intelligent Transaction Matching successfully matches the transactions if the sum of all imported bank line amounts is equal to the sum of the account transaction amounts.

If these criteria are not met, Intelligent Transaction Matching runs the next active system (default) rule.

Match on Amount and Transaction Number without Prefixes and Leading Zeros

Using this rule, Intelligent Transaction Matching attempts to find transaction matches on the numeric value of the transaction number. Intelligent Transaction Matching also attempts to find matches for groups of transactions with the same numeric value.

The date of the account transaction in NetSuite must also be the same as or before the imported transaction date.

Intelligent Transaction Matching successfully matches the transactions if:

If these criteria are not met, Intelligent Transaction Matching runs the next active system (default) rule.

Match on Amount when Date is within 90 Previous Days

Using this rule, Intelligent Transaction Matching attempts to find transaction matches if:

Intelligent Transaction Matching successfully matches the transactions if:

Because this rule does not have a condition for matching on the transaction number, NetSuite does not group transactions on this rule. For details, see Grouping Multiple Transactions.

If these criteria are not met, Intelligent Transaction Matching runs the first active custom rule, if applicable. For details, see Creating User Transaction Matching Rules.

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