SuiteCommerce Page Type Diagnostics
SuiteCommerce Page Type Diagnostics is an analytical tool that provides high-level and in-depth information about the performance of a specific page type in your website.

The following table points out and describes the dashboard's visual elements:
Item |
Information |
Description |
1 |
Filters |
Select data that appears on the dashboard by using the following filters:
2 |
Domain Banner |
This banner shows the following general information about the page type you selected:
3 |
Summary Tab View |
When clicked, this view shows statistics and charts about the selected page type. For more information, see Summary View. |
4 |
Web Addresses Tab View |
When clicked, this view show a detailed table with information about each URL page of the selected page type. For more information, see Web Addresses View. |
Summary View
SuiteCommerce Page Type Diagnostics includes a summary view.

When clicked, this view shows the following statistics and charts about the selected page type:
Information Icon -Refers to the help topic about the dashboard.
Navigation Type Banner -Shows content display time calculations, total views, and views by device for each navigation type.
Content Display Times and Views Over Time Charts -The charts are enclosed in different subtabs for the average, median, and 95th percentile values. Each subtab contains the following charts:
Content display times and views
Content display times
To see the content display times and view counts for each navigation type for a specific time during the selected date range, point to an area on the chart . To open the corresponding Page Type Views table, click the area on the chart . To zoom in to a specific range, click and drag the mouse pointer to cover the area.
The Page Type Views table appears when you click a specific timing on a Content Display Times and Views Over Time chart. The table shows detailed information about instances that happened during the selected timing.
In the Content Display Time field, filter the instances that appear on the table.

The following columns appear on the table:
Open Icon -Opens the Page View Details page where you can see the resources and resource timings when the user viewed the page. For more information, see SuiteCommerce Page View Details.
Date and Time -Shows the date and time when the user viewed the page.
Content Display Time -Shows the content display time for the page that ran.
URL Fragments -Shows the web address that ran.
Navigation Type -Shows the way that the user loaded the page.
Device -Shows the device that was used to load the page.
Web Addresses View
SuiteCommerce Page Type Diagnostics includes a summary view.

When clicked, this view shows a table with the following information:
URL Fragments -Shows the address of a specific web page.
Average Content Display Time (CDT) -Shows the mean value of content display times for the URL fragment or web address. A mini line chart represents the CDTs for the selected date range..
Median Content Display Time -Shows the midpoint value of content display times for the web address.
95th Percentile Content Display Time -Shows the 95% percentile value of content display times for the web address. 95% of the recorded times displayed content slower than this time, and the remaining 5% displayed content faster than it.
Views -Shows the number of views for the web address.
Navigation Type -Shows a horizontal bar chart that represents the views for each navigation type.
Views by Device -Shows a horizontal bar chart that represents the views for each device type.
When you click a row in the Web Addresses table, a portlet appears with the Content Display Times and Views Over Time charts. The portlet shows different subtabs for the average, median, and 95th percentile values. Each subtab contains content display times and views charts. These charts are similar to the charts that are shown on the summary view.
Click a point on the chart to open the corresponding page type views table. To zoom in to a specific range, click and drag the mouse pointer to cover the area.
The Page Type Views table appears when you click a specific timing on a Content Display Times and Views Over Time chart. The table shows detailed information about instances that happened during the selected timing. The table is similar to the Page Type Views table available on the summary view.