SuiteCommerce Performance Dashboard

SuiteCommerce Performance Dashboard is an analytical tool that provides high-level performance data about your Commerce websites. The dashboard serves as a starting point for investigating potential site concerns. Specific elements on the page refer you to more in-depth dashboards available with SuiteCommerce Application Performance Management (SC APM).

Shows the performance dashboard and its visual elements as described in the corresponding table.

The following table points out and describes the dashboard's visual elements:






Select data that appears on the dashboard by using the following filters:

  • Website and Domain -Select the specific domain on a website that you want to monitor.

  • Date Range -This filter is set to show the last seven days by default. Select one of the preset ranges or create a custom date range.

  • Device -This filter is set to show all devices by default. Select the specific device that you want to monitor.

  • Navigation Type -This filter is set to show all navigation types by default. Select the specific navigation type that you want to monitor.


Information Link

The information icon and text refers you to the help topic about the dashboard.


Domain Portlet

This portlet shows the following general statistics and trends about your domain:

  • Website and domain name

  • Name, ID, version, and installation date of the active SuiteCommerce SuiteApp in use

  • Name, version, and installation dates of the other SuiteCommerce SuiteApps installed in the account during the selected date range.

  • Bar chart of the number of views on the website for each device

  • Stacked column chart comparing device view counts across your selected date range


Page Type Portlet

The portlet shows a table with the following information about a maximum of eight page types:

  • Views -Shows the total view count for the page type beside a stacked horizontal bar. Point to the horizontal bar to see the views for each navigation type.

  • Average Content Display Time -Shows the total time in seconds and a mini line chart of the display times across your selected date range. Point to the chart to see the total time for each navigation type.

    To view diagnostic data about a page type, click the corresponding chart. For more information, see SuiteCommerce Page Type Diagnostics.

To sort the page types in the table, navigate to the upper right corner of the portlet. In the Sorting field, select from the following:

  • Most Viewed -Sort page types according to number of views.

  • Highest Content Display Time -Sort page types according to the length of content display times.

  • Most Relevant -Sorts page types according to the value calculated as the number of views multiplied by the average content display time.


Actions Portlet

The portlet shows four tiles that each contain information about the performance of an action based on the filters you selected.

To view diagnostic data about an action, click the tile.

For more information about the contents of each tile and action diagnostics page, read (insert link).

To sort the actions, navigate to the upper right corner of the portlet. In the Sorting field, select from the following:

  • Most Viewed -Sort actions according to number of views.

  • Highest Execution Time -Sort actions according to the length of times they took to process.

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General Notices