
Property Description

Key-value pairs that contain information about the dependent tasks added to the SuiteQL task.

Use this property to verify the properties of dependent tasks after you add the tasks using SuiteQLTask.addInboundDependency(options).

This property uses nested objects to store information about each dependent task. A nested object is included for each dependent task added to the SuiteQL task, and these objects are referenced by their index (starting at 0). Dependent tasks are indexed in the order they are added to the SuiteQL task. Each nested object contains the task type, script ID, script deployment ID, and script parameters.

For example, consider a situation in which you add a scheduled script task and a map/reduce script task to a SuiteQL task as dependent tasks. After you add the dependent tasks but before you submit the SuiteQL task using QueryTask.submit(), the value of the SuiteQLTask.inboundDependencies property is similar to the following:

                    {"0": {"type":"task.ScheduledScriptTask", "scriptId":"customscript_as_ftr_ss", "deploymentId":"customdeploy_ss_dpl", "params": {"custscript_ss_as_srch_res":"SuiteScripts/ExportFile.csv"} },
"1": {"type":"task.MapReduceScriptTask", "scriptId":"customscript_as_ftr_mr", "deploymentId":"customdeploy_mr_dpl", "params": {"custscript_mr_as_srch_res":"SuiteScripts/ExportFile.csv"} }


After you submit the SuiteQL task, the IDs of the dependent scripts are added to the SuiteQLTask.inboundDependencies property:

                    {"0": {"type":"task.ScheduledScriptTask", "id":"SCHEDSCRIPT_0168697b126d1705061d0d690a787755500b046a1912686b10_349d94266564827c739a2ba0a5b9d476f4097217", "scriptId":"customscript_as_ftr_ss", "deploymentId":"customdeploy_ss_dpl", "params": {"custscript_ss_as_srch_res":"SuiteScripts/ExportFile.csv"} },
"1": {"type":"task.MapReduceScriptTask", "id":"MAPREDUCETASK_0268697b126d1705061d0d69027f7b39560f01001c_7a02acb4bdebf0103120b09302170720aa57bca4", "scriptId":"customscript_as_ftr_mr", "deploymentId":"customdeploy_mr_dpl", "params": {"custscript_mr_as_srch_res":"SuiteScripts/ExportFile.csv"} }



Object[] (read-only)

Supported Script Types

Server scripts

For more information, see SuiteScript 2.x Script Types.


N/task Module

Parent Object


Sibling Object Members

SuiteQLTask Object Members




Error Code

Thrown If


You try to set the value of this property after the task.SuiteQLTask object is created.



The following code sample shows the syntax for this member. It is not a functional example. For a complete script example, see N/task Module Script Samples.

            // Add additional code
// Be sure to use a script ID that represents a scheduled script in your account
var myScheduledScript = task.create({
    taskType: task.TaskType.SCHEDULED_SCRIPT,
    scriptId: 'customscript_as_ftr_ss'

// mySuiteQLTask is an existing task.SuiteQLTask object
// Add additional code 


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General Notices