Rules for Automatically Creating Transactions
You can use auto-create rules to automatically create and match account transactions with imported bank lines.
If you have imported bank lines with corresponding customer payments not recorded in NetSuite, you can use the Automated Cash Application feature to generate those payments. When generated, the payments are automatically applied to open invoices. In addition, the payments are automatically matched, cleared, and ready for reconciliation. See Automated Cash Application.
Transactions that are automatically created and matched by auto-create rules do not impact your general ledger account until you submit them on the Match Bank Data page.
If you import bank lines with a recurring Payor/Payee or Memo, auto-create rules look for imported bank lines with the transaction type and Payor/Payee specified by the rule. If the imported bank line has no Payor/Payee, the rule looks for the Memo that was specified.
NetSuite generates auto-create rules from one-to-one matches on the Match Bank Data page, but you can edit the auto-create rules on the Reconciliation Rules page. For more information, see Generating Auto-Create Rules.
Information about auto-create rules in this section includes: