Creating a Performance Review Template

A performance review template is made up of performance review questions and a performance review rating scale. For more information, see Performance Review Questions and Performance Review Rating Scales.

To create a performance review template:

  1. Go to Setup > Performance Management > Templates > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the performance review template.

  3. To add instructions to the performance review, in the Instructions field, enter instructions.

  4. From the Performance Review Rating Scale list, select the rating scale to use for performance review questions and for the overall rating.

  5. If you want to customize instructions for the performance review, in the Customize Instructions field, enter instructions for the performance review.


    If you do not customize the instructions, a default set of instructions will appear.

  6. If you want to customize the acknowledgment message for the performance review, in the Customize Acknowledgment field, enter an employee acknowledgment message. This message should include specific information required by your company. Employees must read this acknowledgment message before completing their reviews.


    If you do not customize the acknowledgment message, a default acknowledgment message will appear.

  7. From the Performance Review Question subtab, click a line in the list, and then do one of the following:

  8. Click Add.

  9. Repeat steps 5 to 6 for each question that you want to add to the performance review template.

  10. To finish, click Save.

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