SuiteCommerce Top Searches with No Results Dataset

This dataset combines fields from the Commerce Search Activity Data and Web Site record types so that you can identify the most frequently used shopper queries yielding zero search results. It forms the source data for the SuiteCommerce Top Searches with No Results Workbook Template.

Dataset Configuration

The source data used in the SuiteCommerce Top Searches with No Results workbook combines fields from two record types and multiple criteria filters. To edit the dataset, see Defining a Dataset.

Root Record Type

Joined Record Type(s)

Custom Formula Field(s)

Data Grid

Criteria Filters

Commerce Search Activity Data

Web Site


The following record fields are included in the dataset.

Commerce Search Activity Data

  • Aggregation Value

  • Duration

  • Position

  • Start Time

  • Value

  • Web Site

Web Site

  • Depends on the number of sites configured in your account

The following criteria is used to filter the dataset:

  • Metric is Search Query No Results

  • Start Time is 2 days ago

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