Limitations of Philippines Invoicing Features
The following are known limitations of Philippines invoicing features:
Philippines Document Numbering is auto-generated and sequential, it can skip a document number resulting from manual editing. If you edit the document number on a transaction, the document numbering may become inconsistent. The system will follow the sequence of the most recently assigned or used number.
Recreating a Philippines Document Numbering setup combination that has been set to inactive is not supported. If you save a combination that is already in use by an inactive record, the system will inform you that the combination entered is unavailable.
Only user roles that have sufficient access permissions can use Philippines invoicing features. For more information, see Roles and Permissions for Philippines Invoicing and Roles and Permissions to Create Transactions with Document Numbering.
Customizing the standard remittance slip template is not yet supported for Philippines invoicing documents. If you customize the standard remittance slip using the Custom Transaction Form page, the changes will not be applied to Philippines invoicing documents. When the changes are not applied, the document cannot be printed.
Using the Philippines template with the Mail Merge feature is not supported when the Include Transaction box in the Attachments or Template section is checked. For more information, see Working with Mail Merge.
Philippines invoicing using the Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp is available only to accounts without SuiteTax. Read the topic Philippines Localization for more information about Philippines Invoicing in accounts with SuiteTax.
If you use an external source to enter images in the footer message fields, the image may not render correctly when you print in PDF.
If you choose HTML as the attachment format when sending transaction details through email, the page numbering placeholder “Page of” is included when viewing email messages. Page numbering (for example, “Page 1 of 2”) should only appear on PDF forms.
To set your printing preference, go to Home > Set Preferences and click the Transactions subtab. For more information, see Personal Preferences for Transactions.