Understanding the Record Summary
The SuiteScript Records Browser includes a record summary for each record exposed to SuiteScript. For example, the following screenshot shows the record summary for a customer record:

Summary of the Record
Browser pages include the following designations for applicable records:
Search Only: Indicates that the record does not support SuiteScript actions other than search actions.
Supports Deleted Record Search: Indicates that a record can be used as a filter for a deleted record search. For more information, see Deleted Record Search.
For each record, the browser displays a series of tables that include the following information:
Fields: The record’s fields
Sublists: A table representing each supported sublist
Tabs: A list of tabs available on the record in the NetSuite UI
Search Joins: A list of other searches you can access when searching this record
Search Filters: Fields in the record that you can use as search criteria
Search Columns: Fields that you can include in search results
Transform Types: A list of records that this record can be transformed into using record.transform(options)
The following table describes some of the column names that these tables use:
Column Label |
Description |
Internal ID |
The internal ID of the field. |
Type |
The data type of the field. |
nlapiSubmitField |
A boolean value indicating whether the field supports the record.submitFields(options) method, which lets you perform inline editing. The name of this column is based on the SuiteScript 1.0 API for inline editing (nlapiSubmitField). For more information, see Using Inline Editing. |
Label |
The label for the field as shown in the user interface. |
Help |
Additional details about working with the field. |
Comparing SuiteScript, SOAP Web Services, and SuiteAnalytics Connect Exposure
To check whether the record you are currently viewing is also supported in SOAP web services or SuiteAnalytics Connect, click the SOAP Schema Browser tab or the Connect Browser tab at the top of the page.

If the record is supported in SOAP web services or SuiteAnalytics Connect, you are directed to the corresponding page in the SOAP Schema Browser or SuiteAnalytics Connect Browser. Otherwise, you are directed to the first page of the respective browser. To compare record types support across SuiteScript, SOAP web services, and SuiteAnalytics Connect, see SuiteCloud Supported Records.