Approving Performance Reviews

Once a performance review is completed by both the employee and reviewer, Human Resources can approve the review. After you approve performance reviews, employees are notified by email to read reviewers’ responses and finalize their reviews. You can approve performance reviews one at a time, or you may be able to approve multiple performance reviews at the same time.

Approving an Individual Performance Review

After a reviewer submits a performance review, Human Resources needs to approve the review.

To approve a performance review:

  1. Go to Setup > Performance Management > Performance Reviews.

  2. Next to the employee’s performance review, click Edit.

  3. From the Status list, select HR Approved | Sign Off Required.


    If the performance review is not ready for HR approval, from the Status list, you can select Reviewer Draft. This sends the review back to the reviewer.

  4. To finish, click Save.

Approving Multiple Performance Reviews

You can use a mass update to approve multiple performance reviews at the same time. To use a mass update, your role needs the Mass Updates permission. For more information about mass updates, see Mass Changes or Updates.

To approve multiple performance reviews:

  1. Go to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates.

  2. From the Mass Update list, select Performance Management.

  3. Click Approve Submitted Reviews.

  4. Define the mass update. For more information, see Defining a Mass Update.

You can also mass approve submitted reviews from an employee’s performance review that has either been launched or submitted for review. You can click the Mass Approve Submitted Reviews link in the top right of the employee’s performance review.

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