Creating a Single Grid Matrix Template

Use the following procedure to create a single grid matrix template. To create grid matrix templates in bulk, see Creating Grid Matrix Templates in Bulk.

To create a single grid matrix template:

  1. Go to the Grid Templates page.

  2. On the Grid Templates page, click New Grid Matrix Template.

    Before you can access the New Grid Matrix Template button, you must first enable the Matrix Items feature. For more information, see Prerequisites for Grid Order Management.

  3. On the Grid Matrix Template page, do the following in the Matrix Item Definition section:

    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the grid matrix template.

    2. In the Matrix Item field, select the matrix item you want to configure.

      When you select a matrix item, the system populates the Category field with the item’s properties. It also sets default values in the Column Attribute and Row Attribute fields. If the matrix item is defined by more than two properties or categories, one property is automatically assigned as the column attribute and the other properties as row attributes.

    3. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a grid template description.

      The limit is 300 characters.

    4. To set this template as the preferred grid template, leave the Set As Preferred Grid Template box checked.

      When a template is set as preferred, it automatically becomes the template for the selected assembly or inventory matrix item, including all its child items. If you do not want to set this template as the preferred grid template, clear the Set As Preferred Grid Template box.

      By default, this box is checked and follows the setting on the preferred grid template preference. For more information, see Setting the Preferred Grid Template Preference.

  4. In the Grid Template section, do the following:

    1. In the Column Attribute field, select a property to designate as the column attribute.

      When you change the column attribute, the value you replaced is automatically assigned in the Row Attribute field.

    2. In the Available In field, select the transactions where you want the grid template to be available.

      Doing so enables you to open the Grid Order Entry form on the selected transactions.

    If you use the Advanced Bin/Numbered Inventory Management feature, you cannot select the Inventory Adjustments transaction for lot numbered and serialized items. For more information, see Limitations of Grid Order Management.

  5. Click Get Item.

    The items are placed in a grid, along with the matrix child items mapped to the row and column values.

  6. In the grid, enter the percentage of the total order quantity you want for each column and row value.

    For example, you can use the distribution of percentages to control the distribution of item quantities across customers.

    An example grid showing division by percent of 3 item colors (Y axix) and 3 sizes (X axis).

    The row and column percentages are automatically adjusted as you enter the percentage for each attribute value. The total percentage should be equal to 100.

    The percentages defined on the matrix template are used when you enter the total quantity in your grid order. If you do not set the percentages, the total quantity is equally distributed across the items in your grid order.

  7. To save the grid matrix template, click Save. If you want to start over with a blank template without saving the current one, click New.

The grid matrix templates can be used for grid order entry. For more information about creating grid orders, read the following topics:

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