Creating Grid Matrix Templates in Bulk

Grid matrix templates created in bulk can be used in all supported transactions. Use the following procedure to create grid matrix templates in bulk.

To create a single grid matrix template, see Creating a Single Grid Matrix Template.

To create grid matrix templates in bulk:

  1. Go to the Grid Templates page.

  2. In the Grid Templates list, click Bulk Create Grid Matrix Templates.

  3. On the Bulk Create Grid Matrix Templates page, click the dropdown arrow beside the Parent Matrix Items list box.

  4. In the popup list, click an item name from the left pane to select it.

    Selected items are transferred to the right pane. To remove an item from the Current Selections list, click the x icon.

  5. Click Done.

  6. In the Column Attribute field, select the attribute that you want to show as the column header in the grid matrix template.

    After you select the column attribute, the other attributes become row attributes in the grid template.

    The system can only generate grid templates for parent matrix items that have at least one column attribute selected.

  7. To set this template as the preferred grid template, leave the Set As Preferred Grid Template box checked.

    When a template is set as preferred, it automatically becomes the template for the selected assembly or inventory matrix item, including all its child items. If you do not want to set this template as the preferred grid template, clear the Set As Preferred Grid Template box.

    By default, this box is checked and follows the setting on the preferred grid template preference. For more information, see Setting the Preferred Grid Template Preference.

  8. Click Submit.

    The bulk creation of grid matrix templates may take some time to process. To monitor the status, go to Lists > Grid Order Entry > Grid Template Creation Log.

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