Entering Multi-Grid Orders

Multi-Grid Order Entry preference enables you to enter orders in multiple grid templates on one Grid Order Entry form. You can combine grid matrix and item templates on a form. Orders are listed in the Order Summary, which is available only when creating multi-grid orders. For more information about the preference, see Setting Grid Order Management Preferences.

Guidelines for Entering Multi-Grid Orders

Read the following guidelines for entering multi-grid orders:

  • You can enter multi-grid orders only for sales orders.

  • If you use the Demand Planning feature, you can enter the expected ship date on the Grid Order Entry form. This date applies to all items across all grid templates used on the form.

    • If you want to combine orders in one form, it is best that they have the same expected ship date.

    • You can change the expected ship date of items in the line items of the sales order. Change the dates one item at a time.

  • If you enter 0 in a grid cell when entering new orders in the grid, it is not added to the Order Summary. If you enter 0 or leave a grid cell blank when editing orders, the corresponding items are deleted from the Order Summary.

  • Duplicate templates cannot be added to the Order Summary. When you enter new orders using a template that has been added to the Order Summary, the quantities in the existing template are updated. However, in the transaction sublist, items are submitted as new orders and not added to existing templates that have been used in other grid orders.

  • After you have submitted a multi-grid order, you cannot view or edit it as a whole. You can edit submitted orders per template. For more information, see Editing Grid Orders.

  • For limitations and guidelines when entering grid orders, see Managing Grid Orders.

Follow these instructions to enter multi-grid orders.

To enter multi-grid orders:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders.

  2. On the Sales Order page, enter the details in the following sections: Primary Information, Sales Information, Classification. Specify the details as you would in a standard sales order transaction.

    For detailed instructions, see Creating Sales Orders.

  3. On the Items subtab, click Open Grid.

  4. On the Grid Order Entry popup form, enter or select the values in the following sections: Grid Order Information and Order Details.

    For detailed instructions, see steps 4 and 5 of Entering Single Grid Orders.

  5. After entering the quantity of your orders in the grid template, click Add to Order. Your order is entered in the Order Summary table.

  6. To enter orders in another template, select the grid template from the list in the Name field. Every time you change the template selection, the grid cells are cleared. For each grid template that you use, you must enter the orders in the Order Summary by clicking Add to Order.

  7. Click Submit to enter your grid orders and return to the sales order.

    On the Sales Order page, you can review the items from the grid on the Items subtab. You can update the details for specific items or add more items to the transaction.

  8. After completing the sales order, click Save.

Viewing Order Summary Details

You can view multi-grid orders in the Order Summary table before submitting them in the sales order. When you add orders to the table, each item option from the grid template is listed with the subtotal quantity of your order and estimated price. Refer to the following table for the list of Order Summary details:

Column Name



Line number of the row item option


Name of the grid template where you entered the order for the item option

Item Options

Row item option listed in the Matrix Item Options column of the grid template

Quantity per Row

Subtotal quantity of your order per row item option

Estimated Price per Row

Estimated subtotal price of your order per row item option

For reference, you can view the rate and quantity details in the Item Information table. For more information about the Order Summary table, see Viewing Order Summary Details. If you want to edit or delete orders from the Order Summary, see Updating Multi-Grid Orders

Updating Multi-Grid Orders

Before submitting a multi-grid order, you can edit or delete orders that have been added to the Order Summary. Quantity and price values are automatically recalculated based on your updates. You can edit the submitted grid orders by editing the template. For more information, see Editing Grid Orders.

In the Order Summary table, the edit and delete icons for each item option are located in their respective columns.

  • To edit a row item option, click its corresponding pencil icon in the Edit column.

    When you edit a row item option, the complete order is shown in the grid in Edit mode. Before editing a row item, ensure that there no entries in the grid that have not been added to the Order Summary table. All grid cells are cleared and replaced with values from the complete order.

    • Update the quantity of the row item, including other items in the order. If you change the value of a grid cell to 0 or leave it blank, the corresponding items in the Order Summary are deleted when you enter the updates.

    • To enter your updates in the Order Summary, click Add to Order.

  • To delete a row item option, click its corresponding delete icon in the Delete column. The system displays a confirmation message. When you delete a row item option, the complete order is shown in the grid. In case you deleted the row item option by mistake, you can add it again to the Order Summary table.

    To delete the selected row item only, click Delete Row.

    To delete all rows that belong to the selected template, click Delete Template.

For more information about the Order Summary table, see Viewing Order Summary Details.

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