Introduction to Chrome DevTools for SuiteScript 2.1 Script Debugging

The 2.1 Script Debugger provides a subset of the full functionality of the Chrome DevTools available within the Chrome browser.


Only SuiteScript 2.1 scripts can be debugged using the 2.1 Script Debugger. You cannot use the 2.1 Script Debugger to debug SuiteScript 1.0 or SuiteScript 2.0 scripts.


Some of the following information, provided as a summary of the Chrome DevTools as it can be used in debugging JavaScript, is taken from Chrome DevTools. Refer to that site for complete information.

Also refer to Debug JavaScript and JavaScript Reference for additional help specific to debugging JavaScript code.

Chrome DevTools is a set of web developer tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser. Chrome DevTools can help you edit pages on-the-fly and diagnose problems quickly. The JavaScript portion of the Chrome DevTools site (JavaScript) includes a tutorial and video that teaches you all the things you can do to debug your JavaScript code. Most of these are included in the 2.1 Script Debugger. See the 2.1 Script Debugger Overview section for a list of capabilities provided in the 2.1 Script Debugger.


Use CTRL+SHIFT+I to access Chrome DevTools from within the Chrome browser. Note that you do not have to do this when debugging SuiteScript because NetSuite automatically provides the Chrome DevTools capability in a separate browser tab.

The following figure shows a sample Chrome DevTools Sources tab opened for debugging SuiteScript 2.1 scripts.


Chrome DevTools for SuiteScript 2.1 scripts supports the Console and Sources tabs only. Currently, there is no support for the Memory or Profiler tabs when debugging SuiteScript 2.1 scripts.

Debugging a SuiteScript 2.1 script in the Chrome Debugger with callouts for the source window, execution control buttons, additional tools menu, console tabs, breakpoint marker, and debugging pane.

NetSuite’s use of Chrome DevTools for SuiteScript 2.1 script debugging adheres to all license parameters as described at Chrome DevTools License.

Using Chrome DevTools

When you start debugging SuiteScript 2.1 scripts using Chrome DevTools, you can set breakpoints, add watches, view the call stack, and start, pause, and resume script execution. Most of these tasks are performed in the 2.1 Script Debugger in the same way they are performed in Chrome DevTools. The following table provides a quick set of instructions for various debug actions.

Debug action


Set and remove breakpoints

Breakpoints are shown in the Breakpoints section of the JavaScript debugging pane:

Chrome DevTools debugging SuiteScript 2.1 script with Breakpoints list highlighted.

To set a breakpoint, click to the left of the line of code in the Source window where you want the break to be set. A breakpoint marker is displayed:

When execution is paused due to a breakpoint, a Paused on breakpoint message is displayed:

Chrome DevTools Paused on breakpoint indicator.

To remove a breakpoint, click the breakpoint marker.


There may be times when breakpoints “stick” between debugging sessions. If this happens, simply remove the breakpoints that you no longer need.

Disable/re-enable breakpoints

To disable all breakpoints, click the disable breakpoints button: Introduction to Chrome DevTools for SuiteScript 2.1 Script Debugging page. A disabled breakpoint marker appears grayed-out: Introduction to Chrome DevTools for SuiteScript 2.1 Script Debugging page

To re-enable all breakpoints, click the re-enable breakpoints button: Introduction to Chrome DevTools for SuiteScript 2.1 Script Debugging page. Note that break points must first be set to disable/re-enable them.

When all breakpoints are disabled, the breakpoints list is grayed out:

Chrome DevTools with breakpoints disabled.

Step through code

To step over a line of code, click the step over button: Introduction to Chrome DevTools for SuiteScript 2.1 Script Debugging page. The code pointer moves to the next line.

To step into a line of code, click the step into button: Introduction to Chrome DevTools for SuiteScript 2.1 Script Debugging page. The code pointer moves into the function. Note that you cannot step into a SuiteScript module. Clicking the step into button when the code pointer is at a SuiteScript module will move the code pointer to the next line, effectively skipping over the SuiteScript module.

To step out of a line of code, click the step out button: Introduction to Chrome DevTools for SuiteScript 2.1 Script Debugging page. The code pointer moves out of the function to the line after the function call.

Pause and resume execution

To pause execution, click the pause button: Introduction to Chrome DevTools for SuiteScript 2.1 Script Debugging page. When script debugging is paused, you will see the Debugger paused message:

Chrome DeveTools with Debugger paused indicator.

To resume execution, click the resume execution button: Introduction to Chrome DevTools for SuiteScript 2.1 Script Debugging page

Restart execution from a line within the call stack

To restart execution from a point in the call stack:

  1. Expand the Call Stack section of the JavaScript Debugging pane.

  2. Click the line of code in the call stack where you want to resume execution.

  3. Click the resume execution button:

    Introduction to Chrome DevTools for SuiteScript 2.1 Script Debugging page

View and edit local, closure, and global properties

Values of SuiteScript and JavaScript objects can be viewed by expanding the Local, Closure, or Global sections of the JavaScript debugging pane:

Chrome DevTools with local variable expanded.

View current call stack

To view the call stack, click the Call Stack header on the JavaScript debugging pane:

Chrome DevTools with call stack expanded.

You can also select a point in the call stack and resume execution from that point.

Display the console

The console can be displayed in the main debugger window or on the bottom pane of the debugger by clicking the corresponding Console tab. Be aware that if you use the Console tab on the left side of the debugger, the source window closes.

De-minify display of the script code

Sometimes source code will be displayed minified when it is displayed on the Sources tab:

Chrome DevTools source code view.

This is often unreadable. You can de-minify the source (that is, add appropriate white space and new lines) by using the Introduction to Chrome DevTools for SuiteScript 2.1 Script Debugging page button located at the bottom of the source window.

Watch variable and expression values

Use the Watch window, on the JavaScript debugging pane, to see values of variables within your script and to evaluate expressions on-the-fly:

Chrome DevTools with Watch variables expanded.

To add a variable or enter an expression to evaluate, click the plus (+) button on the Watch window header and enter the variable name or expression. Notice in the above example, the variable being watched is a SuiteScript object so all available members of that object are displayed.

Chrome DevTools supports keyboard shortcuts for nearly all actions available in the debugger. See Chrome DevTools Keyboard Shorcuts. And, your Chrome DevTools environment is retained between debugging session. For instance, if you open the Console window the first time you debug a script, Chrome DevTools will open with the Console window open in each subsequent debugging session.

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