Patch Instructions
The following table lists available patches for SuiteCommerce Advanced and Site Builder Extensions and Extensions Premium. Click on the issue title for information about how to implement the patch.
Issue |
Release |
Description |
SCA Vinson, Mont Blanc, and Denali SCA Reference My Account 1.02 -1.06 ShopFlow 1.02 – 1.07 |
These patch instructions describe how to take steps to ensure the correct custom record behavior is implemented for your website |
Changes in Product Reviews and Product List Permissions Levels |
SCA 2024.2 and earlier Reference ShopFlow Reference My Account |
These patch instructions describe how to update permissions to provide a higher level of security for the custom records created for Reference Product Reviews and Reference Product List. |
Add Parameters Required for Shopper Access to Suitelet Internal URLs |
SCA 2018.2 – 2019.2 |
These patch instructions describe the steps to add two parameters required to access the Suitelet’s internal URL for the Shopper role. |
SCA 2019.1 – 2023.2 |
These patch instructions describe how to fix the problem that caused CMS Page Type website records not to display correctly in some Commerce websites. |
Google Tag Manager Events Not Displaying in Data Layer Upon Checkout |
SCA 2018.2 – 2022.2 |
This section provides a sample of modified data layer code that will correctly track Google Analytics events information for implementations of SCA 2018.2 – 2022.2 using Google Analytics 4 with the Google Tag Manager Commerce Extension. |
Customer not Directed to the Payment Review Page after Checkout using the Checkout Flow |
SCA 2021.2.3 SCA 2021.2 SCA 2020.1.12 SCA 2020.1 SCA 2018.2 SCA Kilimanjaro SiteBuilder Extensions Kilimanjaro SiteBuilder Extensions Premium Kilimanjaro |
These patch instructions describe how to fix the problem that caused customers to not be directed to the payment review page after using the Checkout flow on the web site. |
Customer not Directed to the Payment Review Page after Checkout after using the Make A Payment Flow |
SCA 2021.2.3 SCA 2021.2 SCA 2020.1.12 SCA 2020.1 SCA 2018.2 SCA Kilimanjaro SiteBuilder Extensions Kilimanjaro SiteBuilder Extensions Premium Kilimanjaro |
These patch instructions describe how to fix the problem that caused customers to not be directed to the payment review page after using the Make a Payment flow on the web site. |
SCA versions Denali to 2022.1 |
This guide provides instructions to implement Google Analytics 4 (GA4) on pre-2022.2 implementations of SCA.
Do not implement GA4 if you use GA4 with Google Tag Manager (GTM) because this causes duplicate tracking results. See Google Tag Manager for information about GTM. |
Customer Redirected to My Account Overview Instead of Successful Payment Page |
SCA 2021.2.3 SCA 2021.2 SCA 2020.1 SCA 2020.1.12 SCA 2018.2 SCA Kilimanjaro SiteBuilder Extensions Kilimanjaro SiteBuilder Extensions Premium Kilimanjaro |
These patch instructions describe how to correct a problem that caused customers to be redirected to the My Account Overview page after they paid an invoice instead of the Successful Payment page. |
SCA Vinson SCA Elbrus SCA Kilimanjaro SCA Aconcagua |
These patch instructions describe how to correct a problem so that the Add to Cart button is hidden from guest shoppers and only displayed to logged-in shoppers. |
Site Builder Reference Checkout 2.05 |
These patch instructions describe how to correct a problem that caused shoppers to be redirected to the login page after they removed an item from their shopping cart. |
SCA 2020.2 SCA 2020.1 SCA 2019.2 SCA 2019.1 SCA 2018.2 SCA Aconcagua SCA and Site Builder Extensions Kilimanjaro SCA and Site Builder Extensions Elbrus SCA and Site Builder Extensions Mont Blanc SCA and Site Builder Extensions Vinson SCA and Site Builder Extensions Denali |
These patch instructions describe how to update the developer tools to continue to support secure connection to NetSuite using token-based authentication. |
Kilimanjaro Elbrus Vinson |
These patch instructions describe how to update domain bridging which was causing an error to be returned on the Checkout page when the Encrypted Payload Domain Bridging feature is active. |
Kilimanjaro |
These patch instructions describe how to correct an issue that prevents the default address from being set for orders for unfulfillable (service or downloadable) items. |
Elbrus |
These patch instructions describe how to correct an issue that prevents a return authorization request from being submitted if the invoice status is set to Approved and there is a gift certificate included in the order. |
SCA 2018.2 SCA Aconcagua Kilimanjaro |
These patch instructions describe how to correct an issue with the Make this my default credit card option on Commerce websites. |
Elbrus |
These patch instructions describe how to correct an issue with the Google AdWords image tracker image being resized. |
Elbrus |
These patch instructions describe how to correct an issue encountered by users logging in to a Commerce website using a single secure domain when the Required Login for Pricing feature is enabled. |
Mont Blanc |
These patch instructions describe how to correct an issue with SMT landing pages. |
SCA 2020.2 SCA 2020.1 SCA 2019.2 SCA 2019.1 SCA 2018.2 SCA Aconcagua SCA and Site Builder Extensions Kilimanjaro SCA and Site Builder Extensions Elbrus SCA and Site Builder Extensions Mont Blanc SCA and Site Builder Extensions Vinson SCA and Site Builder Extensions Denali |
These patch instructions describe how to prepare your current installation of SCA or Site Builder Extensions for token-based authentication. |
CVE-2020-14728: Vulnerability in SuiteCommerce Advanced Services |
2019.2 2019.1 2018.2 Aconcagua Kilimanjaro Elbrus Mont Blanc Vinson |
These patch instructions describe how to protect your site from the risk of Cross-site Scripting (XSS). |
CVE-2020-14729: Vulnerability in SuiteCommerce Advanced Sites |
SCA sites prior to 2020.1.4 |
This patch describes how to add security headers to minimize the risk of interface redressing, also known as clickjacking. |
SCA sites prior to 2021.1 |
These patch instructions describe how to prepare your current installation of SuiteCommerce Advanced for token-based authentication. |
2019.1 2018.2 Aconcagua Kilimanjaro Elbrus Mont Blanc Vinson |
This patch describes how to correct an issue in some implementations of SCA where prerender of site pages fails, causing those pages to not be indexed. |
2020.1 2019.2 |
This patch corrects an issue that causes deployments to NetSuite to fail with errors. |
Elbrus |
These patch instructions describe how to correct an issue with custom transaction body fields. Specifically, text entered into custom transaction body fields during the checkout flow does not display in the Custom subtab of the resulting sales order as expected. |
2018.2 |
This patch corrects an issue that causes patch overrides to not be visible in the DeployDistribution folder despite successful deployment. |
2019.2 2019.1 2018.2 Aconcagua |
This patch corrects an issue in some implementations of SuiteCommerce Advanced where shopping.user.enivornment.ssp experiences degraded performance. |
2019.2 2019.1 |
This patch corrects an issue in some implementations of SCA 2019.1 and 2019.2 where the beforeShowContentEvent stops working after the initial trigger in these components: ProductListPageComponent and ProductDetailsComponent. |
Vinson |
This patch corrects an issue in some Vinson implementations where site filtering fails to filter out orders for other web stores from the same account. |
Kilimanjaro Vinson Elbrus |
This patch corrects an issue in some implementations where adjusting the filter for a quantity facet on your site displays a numerical value that includes a dollar sign. |
2018.2 |
This patch corrects an issue where overrides to core SCA source files do not work as expected. |
Theme Developer Tool Overrides May Cause Error On Activation |
2018.2 |
This patch corrects an issue where overrides implemented using the 2018.2 theme developer tools cause an error on activation. |
2018.2 |
This patch corrects an error where an adapter event was removed in SMT. This error prevents SMT admins from previewing current and future dated categories. |
Kilimanjaro |
This patch corrects a problem where a child category does not display properly. |
Incorrect Value for Shipping Estimate Occurs in Shopping Cart |
Elbrus |
This patch corrects a problem in some Elbrus implementations where the shipping estimate contains incorrect values before the actual value is shown. |
Standard Promotion with Inline Discount and Rate as Percentage Not Updating the Amount in Checkout |
Vinson Mont Blanc Denali |
This patch corrects a problem in some Vinson, Mont Blanc, and Denali implementations where the amount in checkout does not update when applying a standard promotion with an inline discount and setting rate as percentage. |
Elbrus Kilimanjaro |
This patch corrects a problem where a page with one or more URL fragments that return an ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS instead of showing a 404 error or the Product Details page. |
See Complete List of Stores Link on Store Locator Page Does Not Show Store List |
Kilimanjaro Vinson Elbrus |
This patch corrects a problem where the See Complete List of Stores link on the Store Locator page reloads the page but does not show the complete list of stores. |
Quantity Pricing Displayed in Web Store Even When “Require Login for Pricing” is Enabled |
Kilimanjaro Vinson Elbrus |
This patch corrects a problem where quantity pricing displays in the web store even when Require Login for Pricing is enabled. |
Edited Shipping Address on the Review Your Order Page is Not Showing Changes |
Aconcagua Kilimanjaro |
This patch corrects a problem where the Review Your Order page is not showing changes when user edits the shipping address. |
Aconcagua |
This patch corrects a problem where creating a title for a custom facets page with Site Management Tools does not display the correct title. |
Currencies Change to the Default in the Shopping Application |
Kilimanjaro |
This patch corrects a problem where customers using multi-subsidiaries experience currencies not changing in the webstore, which continues to use the default currency. |
Order Confirmation Page Not Displayed When Using Single Page Checkout and External Payment |
Elbrus Vinson |
This patch corrects a problem where the order confirmation page is not displayed when using single page checkout and an external payment method. |
Aconcagua Kilimanjaro Elbrus |
This patch corrects a problem where Checkout Summary pages display incorrect discounted sub-total amounts and inconsistent strike-through and original amounts. |
Aconcagua R2 |
This patch corrects a problem preventing local files to deploy to the DeployDistribution folder. |
Aconcagua Kilimanjaro Elbrus Vinson Some SuiteCommerce Themes |
This patch corrects a problem where editing item descriptions on an Item record using |
Elbrus |
This patch corrects a problem where the application returns incorrect results when entering more than one search term in the item search criteria. |
2018.2 |
This patch corrects a problem in some implementations that results in a Page Not Found error, instead of returning Commerce Categories based on filtered facet values. |
2018.2 |
This patch corrects a problem in some implementations that prevents developers from testing extensions locally. |
Site Builder Extensions Premium Vinson Site Builder Extensions Vinson Reference Checkout 2.05 Reference Checkout 2.04 Reference My Account Premium 1.06 Reference My Account 1.06 Reference My Account Premium 1.05 Reference My Account 1.05 |
This patch allows some Site Builder customers to secure the shopping portion of a web store under an HTTPS domain. |
Kilimanjaro, Elbrus, Vinson, Mont Blanc, and Denali |
This patch corrects a potential issue where iOS users cannot scroll through a long list of menu items when the list reaches beyond the device screen. |
2018.2, Aconcagua, Kilimanjaro, Elbrus, Vinson, Mont Blanc, and Denali |
This patch corrects a problem in which search engines discard content and do not render the page correctly using mobile-first indexing. |
Disabling Display of SuiteCommerce Gift Wrap & Message Extension Transaction Line Fields |
SuiteCommerce Site Builder Websites Reference ShopFlow Reference Checkout Reference My Account |
This section provides procedures for disabling the display of Gift Wrap & Message extension transaction line item fields. |
Vinson |
This patch corrects an error where SuiteCommerce Advanced does not correctly send a user to an external payment system. |
Vinson |
For Reference My Account v1.06, this patch adds the Request for a Return Button to Invoice records in My Account. |
Unable to Select Item Options Within the SuiteCommerce Configuration Record in NetSuite |
Elbrus |
This patch corrects an issue where site administrators cannot choose item options when configuring a domain using the SuiteCommerce Configuration record in NetSuite. |
Elbrus Vinson |
This patch corrects an error where the page for an external payment system fails to properly redirect back to the SuiteCommerce site from which it was launched. |
Denali R2 |
This patch corrects an issue where |
Elbrus Kilimanjaro |
This patch corrects an error when content incorrectly shows up in a merchandizing zone. |
Reference My Account version 1.04 |
This patch corrects an error where My Account fails to load if there are 1000+invoices associated for that account. |
Elbrus |
This patch corrects an error where SuiteCommerce could not correctly parse the percent sign ( |
Users Redirected to Checkout Application Instead of Shopping Application |
Elbrus and Kilimanjaro |
This patch corrects an issue where users in a password protected site were redirected to the Checkout application instead of the Shopping application. |
Elbrus |
This patch corrects an issue where the Add to Cart button requires two clicks if the focus is on the Quality field. |
Elbrus |
This patch corrects an issue where URLs contain redundant facets. |
Content Flickers or Disappears When Browsing the Product Listing Page |
Kilimanjaro and earlier |
This patch corrects an error that occurs when the product listing page flickers or disappears, for content added in SMT. |
Vinson |
This patch contains a fix for an error that occurs when Google AdWords is enabled. |
Elbrus and earlier |
This patch contains a fix for URLs to commerce categories that contain incorrect delimeters. |
Elbrus and earlier |
This patch corrects an issue where the item totals for item-based promotions in the Order Summary are incorrect. |
Mont Blanc and Vinson |
This patch contains a fix for a CSS error that hides the first |
pre-Denali |
This patch corrects an issue in Reference My Account v1.05 where the order in My Account does not include the invoice terms. |
Users Required to Re-enter Credit Card Payment Method Details on Payment Page |
Elbrus and Kilimanjaro |
This patch corrects an issue where users are required to re-enter credit card payment method details to successfully complete their order. |
Selected Invoice Not Displayed When Making an Invoice Payment |
Mont Blanc |
This patch corrects an issue where an invoice selected for payment does not appear on the Make a Payment page. |
Log In to See Prices Message Appears When Users are Logged In |
Elbrus |
This patch corrects an issue where logged-in users receive a message directing them to log in to see prices. |
Elbrus |
This patch corrects an issue where the value of an Item record’s Meta Tag HTML field does not appear in the page’s meta data. |
Delivery Options Not Appearing After Editing the Cart and Re-entering a Shipping Address |
SiteBuilder Extensions — Elbrus |
This patch corrects an issue on Site Builder Extensions where delivery methods do not appear after editing cart and re-entering the same shipping address. |
Mont Blanc and Vinson |
This patch corrects an issue where a Thank You page is not displayed after an order is complete. |
Matrix Item Options Not Displaying With Google Tag Manager Enabled |
Elbrus |
This patch corrects an issue where not all selected options of a matrix item appear in the Product Details Page. This issue only applies to sites implementing Google Tag Manager. |
Mont Blanc, Vinson, Elbrus |
This patch corrects an issue where not all delivery methods appear in the One Page Checkout flow after adding a zip code and checking out as a guest. |
Denali, Mont Blanc, Vinson |
This patch is required to include the Mastercard 2–Series BIN regex value for payment method configuration as of the Elbrus release of SuiteCommerce Advanced. |
Elbrus |
This patch is required for Elbrus to take advantage of the auto-apply promotions features available as of the Kilimanjaro release of SuiteCommerce Advanced. |
Denali, Mont Blanc, Vinson, Elbrus |
This patch is required to take advantage of the change email address feature available as of the Kilimanjaro release of SuiteCommerce Advanced. |
pre-Denali |
Provides instructions on how to modify the ProductList.js file in ShopFlow 1.07 to correct an issue where IE 11 caching causes duplicate Product Lists to display in My Account. |
Mont Blanc |
This patch corrects an issue where an error is returned when users set an item as Save for Later and then return to move that item to the cart. |
Vinson and earlier |
This patch corrects an issue where running gulp commands from a command line or terminal results in a syntax error. |
Mont Blanc |
This patch corrects an issue where promo codes applied to the original sales order are not included in the calculations for a return request. |
Denali, Mont Blanc, Vinson, Elbrus |
This patch corrects an issue where enhanced pages do not maintain content when dynamically resizing the browser window. |
pre-Denali |
This patch corrects an issue in Reference My Account v1.05, where invoices are displayed out of order. |
Mont Blanc |
This patch extends the |
Vinson |
This patch modifies commerce category canonical URLs to use absolute paths. |
Vinson and earlier |
This patch corrects a situation where mobile users cannot scroll their Cart after removing an item from the Saved for Later product list. Follow these instructions to extend the ProductList.DetailsLater.View.js file and override the existing Query.scPush.js file with a new one (provided). |
Error When Adding Items to Categories in Site Management Tools |
Vinson |
This patch contains a fix for an error on a category or subcategory that contains more than 10 items in Site Management Tools. |
Vinson |
This patch extends the |
Secure Shopping Domains (Elbrus, Vinson, Mont Blanc, and Denali) |
Elbrus, Vinson, Mont Blanc, and Denali |
This patch enables you to configure your site to maintain a secure browser. The patch for the Denali release of SuiteCommerce Advanced also includes a fix to maintain the identity of the user and cart contents as described in Serversync Touchpoint.
The original patches provided for this fix have been updated. If you have previously applied a patch for SSL, only the diff between the previous patch and the current one should be applied. |
pre-Denali |
This section guides you through changes required for you to configure your pre-Denali site to maintain a secure browser. |
Vinson and earlier |
Provides instructions to retain PayPal Address details in the NetSuite customer record. |
Elbrus |
This patch corrects a security issue in which the password reset email message includes the original login email address in the password reset URL. |