Removing Item Redirects to Login Page Under Secure Domain

In some implementations of Site Builder Reference Checkout 2.05, shoppers are redirected to the login page after they remove an item from their shopping cart. This problem occurs in the following situations:

The following patch instructions describe how to correct this problem so that the item is removed from the shopping cart and the shopper is not redirected to the login page.

To update the file:

  1. Open the file in the following location: Web Site Hosting Files > Live Hosting Files > SSP Applications > NetSuite Inc. -Checkout 2.05.0 > Custom Checkout > services.

  2. Find the following line of code:

                            // If we are not in the checkout OR we are logged in
            // When on store, login in is not required
            // When on checkout, login is required
            if (Utils.isCheckoutDomain() || session.isLoggedIn2())
  3. And replace it with the following code:

                            // If we are not in the checkout OR we are logged in
            // When on store, login in is not required
            // When on checkout, login is required
            if (Utils.isShoppingDomain() || Utils.isCheckoutDomain() || session.isLoggedIn2())
  4. Save the updated file.

  5. Check the web store to confirm that items are removed from the shopping cart for both guests and logged-in shoppers.

General Notices