Custom Overrides Not Applying When Deployed

Developers working with the 2018.2 release of SuiteCommerce Advanced may notice that overrides to core source files implemented via the SCA developer tools are not working properly. For more information about working with SCA developer tools, see Set Up SCA Developer Tools.

For example, if you try to override a template as described in Override a Template File and then run gulp ssp-libraries to compile and view the modifications, the overrides are not implemented as expected.

This issue has been fixed in the 2019.1 release of SuiteCommerce Advanced. If you experience this issue and cannot migrate to the latest release, you can fix this issue as described in the following procedure.

Edit the ssp-libraries.js File

  1. Locate the gulp/tasks/ssp-libraries.js file in the top-level directory of your SCA developer tools installation.

  2. Add the following line of code to the ssp-libraries.js file:

                    config.amdConfig.rawText[relativePath] = file.contents.toString(); 

    The following example shows where to place the new line:

                        if (isSCIS && moduleName === 'Configuration')
            if (relativePath.includes('PosApplication'))
                config.amdConfig.paths[inv_path[moduleName] || moduleName] = relativePath;
            config.amdConfig.paths[inv_path[moduleName] || moduleName] = relativePath;
        config.amdConfig.rawText[relativePath] = file.contents.toString();
  3. Run the following command and then view your site to verify the changes in your override are visible:

                    gulp ssp-libraries 

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