Printing Vendor Prepayment Vouchers

Vendor prepayment vouchers provide detailed and printable information about the prepayments authorized for your vendors. You can print and email vouchers for the vendor prepayments you make.


In addition to printing vouchers, you can print checks for vendor prepayment transactions by checking the To Be Printed box in the Vendor Prepayment page. For information about printing checks, see Printing Checks.

Before you print vendor prepayment vouchers, you must enable the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature. When this feature is enabled, you can associate advanced templates with custom transaction forms. Then, these templates are used to format printed and email versions of transactions. The Advanced PDF/HTML Template Feature is enabled by default in most customer accounts. For more information, see Enabling the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates Feature.

You can print vouchers for your prepayments in PDF format. There are two different ways of printing vouchers:

When you print a single voucher, the PDF template corresponds to the template selected when entering the vendor prepayment transaction. If you want to use a different PDF template, you must edit the vendor prepayment transaction and choose the corresponding form. For information about printing a customized PDF, see Customizing Vendor Prepayment Vouchers.


The Custom Form list is available only when you customize the default vendor prepayment form.

To print vouchers in bulk from the Print Prepayment Vouchers page, you must select the Voucher box on the Vendor Prepayment page. When you print vouchers in bulk, you can decide what PDF templates each voucher uses before printing.

To print a single vendor prepayment voucher:

  1. Go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Vendor Prepayment > List.

  2. For the transaction that you want to print, click Print.

  3. Optionally, if you want to review the detail of the vendor prepayment transaction before printing:

    1. For the transaction that you want to print, click View.

    2. On the transaction details, click the printer button to print the transaction voucher in PDF format.


    The Print button is not available for custom vendor prepayment forms that were created prior to NetSuite release 20.1. To enable the print button in these forms, you must update the custom form. For information about this form configuration task, see Configuring Buttons and Actions.

To print multiple vendor prepayment vouchers in bulk:

  1. You can print multiple vendor prepayment vouchers at one time from the Print Prepayment Vouchers page.

  2. Go to Transactions > Management > Print Checks and Forms.

  3. Click the Prepayment Vouchers link.

  4. Optionally, on the Print Prepayment Vouchers page, filter the vouchers you want to print by location, using the Location list.

  5. Click the Form list to choose the form for printing.

    There are three possibilities:

    • System Preference – Each voucher uses the vendor prepayment template associated with the custom form selected when entering the transaction.

    • Standard Vendor Prepayment Form – The vouchers use the standard vendor prepayment voucher template.

    • Custom form – The vouchers use the selected custom voucher template, if created.

  6. Check the Allow Reprinting box to show and reprint previously printed transactions.

    By default, the list of transactions includes only the prepayments that have not been printed yet.

  7. Check the box in the Print column for each vendor prepayment you want to print.

  8. Click Print to generate a single PDF file containing the vouchers for all the prepayment transactions selected.

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