What goes into each box – Germany Monthly/Quarterly VAT report
Nondeductible tax codes created by checking the 100% Non-deductible box on the Tax Code page is not supported. If you want to create nondeductible tax codes that will work with International Tax Reports SuiteApp, see Setting Up Nondeductible Input Tax.
The following table shows how NetSuite uses the tax codes to get the values for the Preliminary VAT return (monthly/quarterly report) for Germany. For annual VAT returns, see What goes into each box – Germany Annual VAT Declaration.
Line |
English Label |
Etiqueta Alemana |
Box |
Assessment basis without sales tax EUR |
Box |
Tax EUR ct |
A. Taxable supplies, other services and gratuitous value deliveries |
A. Steuerpflichtige Lieferungen, sonstige Leistungen und unentgeltliche Wertabgaben |
Taxable Transactions |
Steuerplichtige Umsätze |
12 |
at the tax rate of 19% |
zum Steuersatz von 19 % |
81 |
Net amount of sales S-DE |
81b |
Tax amount of sales S-DE +Tax amount of sales adjustment in box 81b with S-DE |
13 |
86 |
Net amount of sales R-DE |
86b |
Tax amount of sales R-DE +Tax amount of sales adjustment in box 86b with R-DE |
14 |
at the tax rate of 0% |
zum Steuersatz von 0 % |
87 |
Net amount of sales ZR-DE |
15 |
to other tax rates |
zu anderen Steuersätzen |
35 |
Net amount of sales SR-DE, S2-DE, R1-DE |
36 |
Tax amount of sales SR-DE, S2-DE, R1-DE +Tax amount of sales adjustment in box 36 with SR-DE, S2-DE, R1-DE |
16 |
Deliveries of agricultural and forestry operations according to § 24 UStG to customers with sales tax Identification Number |
Lieferungen land-und f § 24 UStG an Abnehmer mit Umsatzsteuer-I |
77 |
Editable field |
17 |
Sales for which a tax is payable according to § 24 UStG (Sawmill products, beverages and alcoholic liquids, e.g. wine) |
Umsätze, für die eine Steuer nach § 24 UStG zu entrichtenist (Sägewerkserzeugnisse, Getränke und alkoholische Flüs -sigkeiten, z. B. Wein) |
76 |
Editable field |
80 |
Editable field |
B. Tax-free deliveries, other services and free valuables |
B. Steuerfreie Lieferungen, sonstige Leistungen und unentgeltliche Wertabgaben |
Tax-free transactions with input VAT deduction |
Steuerfreie Umsätze mit Vorsteuerabzug |
Intra-community deliveries (§ 4 No. 1 letter b UStG) |
I |
18 |
to buyers with a sales tax identification number |
an Abnehmer mit Umsatzsteuer-I |
41 |
Net amount of sales ES-DE, EZ-DE, ER-DE, ES1-DE, ER1-DE |
— |
— |
19 |
new vehicles to buyers without sales tax Identification Number |
neuer Fahrzeuge an Abnehmer ohne Umsatzsteuer-I |
44 |
Editable field |
— |
— |
20 |
new vehicles outside of a company (§ 2a UStG) |
neuer Fahrzeuge außerhalb eines Unternehmens(§ 2a UStG) |
49 |
Editable field |
— |
— |
21 |
Further tax-free sales with input tax deduction (e.g. export deliveries, sales according to § 4 No. 2 to 7 UStG) |
Weitere steuerfreie Umsätze mit Vorsteuerabzug z. B. Ausfuhrlieferungen, Umsätze nach § 4 Nummer 2 bis 7 UStG |
43 |
Net amount of sales ZX-DE, E-DE |
— |
— |
22 |
Tax-free sales without input tax deduction (e.g. sales according to § 4 No. 8 to 29 UStG) |
Steuerfreie Umsätze ohne Vorsteuerabzug z. B. Umsätze nach § 4 Nummer 8 bis 29 UStG |
48 |
Net amount of sales Z-DE |
— |
— |
C. Intra-Community Acquisitions |
C. I |
23 |
Tax-free intra-community acquisitions of certain objects and gold investment (§§ 4b and 25c UStG) |
Steuerfreie i |
91 |
Net amount of purchases EZ-DE |
— |
— |
24 |
Taxable intra-community acquisitions at a tax rate of 19% |
Steuerpflichtige innergemeinschaftliche Erwerbe zum Steuersatz von 19 % |
89 |
Net amount of purchases ES-DE, EST-DE |
89b |
Notional tax amount of purchases ES-DE +tax amount EST-DE |
25 |
at a tax rate of 7% |
zum Steuersatz von 7 % |
93 |
Net amount of purchases ER-DE, ERT-DE |
93b |
Notional tax amount of purchases ER-DE +tax amount ERT-DE |
26 |
at the rate of 0% |
zum Steuersatz von 0 % |
90 |
Net amount of purchases EZR-DE |
27 |
to other tax rates |
zu anderen Steuersätzen |
95 |
Net amount of purchases ESR-DE if applied notional rate is greater than 0% Net amount of purchases ES1-DE and ER1-DE |
98 |
Notional amount of purchases ESR-DE, ES1-DE, ER1-DE |
28 |
new vehicles (§ 1b paragraph 2 and 3 UStG) from suppliers without a sales tax identification number in general tax rate |
neuer Fahrzeuge (§ 1b Absatz 2 und 3 UStG) von Lieferern ohne Umsatzsteuer-I |
94 |
Editable field |
96 |
Editable field |
D. Service recipient as tax debtor (§ 13b UStG) |
D. Leistungsempfänger als Steuerschuldner(§ 13b UStG) |
29 |
Other services according to § 3a paragraph 2 UStG of an entrepreneur based in the rest of the community (§ 13b paragraph 1 UStG) |
Sonstige Leistungen nach § 3a Absatz 2 UStG eines im übrigen Gemeinschaftsgebiet ansässigen Unternehmers(§ 13b Absatz 1 UStG) |
46 |
Net amount of purchases ESSP-DE, ESSP1-DE |
47 |
Notional amount of purchases ESSP-DE, ESSP1-DE |
30 |
Sales that fall under the GrEStG (Section 13b paragraph 2 No. 3 UStG) |
Umsätze, die unter das GrEStG fallen(§ 13b Absatz 2 Nummer 3 UStG) |
73 |
Editable field |
74 |
Editable field |
31 |
Other services (§ 13b paragraph 2 No. 1, 2, 4 to 12 UStG) |
Andere Leistungen(§ 13b Absatz 2 Nummer 1, 2, 4 bis 12 UStG) |
84 |
Net amount of purchases S1-DE, RC-DE, IS-DE, SS1-DE, RC1-DE, IS1-DE |
85 |
Notional amount of purchases S1-DE, RC-DE, IS-DE, SS1-DE, RC1-DE, IS1-DE +Tax amount of purchases IS-DE |
E. Additional information on sales |
E. Ergänzende Angaben zu Umsätzen |
32 |
Deliveries by the first customer in intra-community triangular transactions (§ 25b UStG) |
Lieferungen des ersten Abnehmers bei i |
42 |
Editable field |
— |
— |
33 |
Taxable sales of the performing entrepreneur for which the service recipient pays the tax according to § 13b paragraph 5 UStG |
Steuerpflichtige Umsätze des leistenden Unternehmers, fürdie der Leistungsempfänger die Steuer nach § 13bAbsatz 5 UStG schuldet |
60 |
Net amount of sales S1-DE, RC-DE, SS1-DE, RC1-DE |
— |
— |
34 |
Non taxable supply of services according to § 18b sentence 1 no. 2 UStG |
Nicht steuerbare sonstige Leistungen gemäß § 18b Satz 1Nummer 2 UStG |
21 |
Net amount of sales ESSS-DE, ESSS1-DE |
— |
— |
35 |
Other non-taxable transactions (place of supply outside Germany) |
Übrige nicht steuerbare Umsätze (Leistungsort nicht im Inland) |
45 |
Net amount of sales OS-DE |
— |
— |
36 |
VAT (total of lines 12 to 17 and 24 to 31) |
Umsatzsteuer (Summe der Zeilen 12 bis 17 und 24 bis 31) |
F. Deductible Input Tax Amounts and Adjustment of Input Tax Deduction |
F. Abziehbare Vorsteuerbeträge und Berichtigung des Vorsteuerabzugs |
37 |
Input tax amounts from invoices from other companies (§ 15paragraph 1 sentence 1 number 1 UStG), from services within the meaning of § 13a paragraph 1 number 6 UStG (§ 15 paragraph1 sentence 1 number 5 UStG) and from intra-community - chentriangular transactions (§ 25b paragraph 5 UStG) |
Vorsteuerbeträge aus Rechnungen von anderen Unternehmern (§ 15 Absatz 1 Satz 1 Nummer 1 UStG), aus Leistungen im Sinne des § 13a Absatz 1 Nummer 6 UStG (§ 15 Absatz 1 Satz 1 Nummer 5 UStG) und aus innergemeinschaftlichen Dreiecksgeschäften (§ 25b Absatz 5 UStG) |
— |
— |
66 |
Tax amount of purchases R-DE, S-DE, R1-DE, S1-DE +Deduct TAX amount for R-DE, S-DE, R1-DE, S2-DE -NonDeduct TAX amount for R-DE, S-DE, R1-DE, S2-DE +Tax amount of purchases adjustment in box 66 with R-DE, S-DE, R1-DE, S2-DE |
38 |
Input tax amounts from the intra-community acquisition of items (§ 15 paragraph 1 sentence 1 number 3 UStG) |
Vorsteuerbeträge aus dem innergemeinschaftlichen Erwerbvon Gegenständen(§ 15 Absatz 1 Satz 1 Nummer 3 UStG) |
— |
— |
61 |
Box 89B +Box 93B +Box 98 |
39 |
Import sales tax incurred (§ 15paragraph 1 sentence 1 number 2 UStG) |
Entstandene Einfuhrumsatzsteuer(§ 15 Absatz 1 Satz 1 Nummer 2 UStG) |
— |
— |
62 |
Net amount of purchases IT-DE |
40 |
Input tax amounts from services within the meaning of § 13bUStG (§ 15 paragraph 1 sentence 1 number 4 UStG) |
Vorsteuerbeträge aus Leistungen im Sinne des § 13b UStG(§ 15 Absatz 1 Satz 1 Nummer 4 UStG) |
— |
— |
67 |
Notional amount of purchases ESSP-DE, IS-DE, RC-DE, S1-DE, ESSP1-DE, IS1-DE, RC1-DE, SS1-DE |
41 |
Input tax calculated according to the general average rates (§ 23a UStG) |
Vorsteuerbeträge, die nach allgemeinen Durchschnittssä |
— |
— |
63 |
Editable field |
42 |
Input tax deduction for intra-community deliveries of new vehicles outside of a company (§ 2a UStG) and small businesses within the meaning of § 19 paragraph1 UStG (§ 15 paragraph 4a UStG) |
Vorsteuerabzug für innergemeinschaftliche Lieferungenneuer Fahrzeuge außerhalb eines Unternehmens(§ 2a UStG) sowie von Kleinunternehmern im Sinne des§ 19 Absatz 1 UStG (§ 15 Absatz 4a UStG) |
— |
— |
59 |
Editable field |
43 |
Correction of input tax deduction (§ 15a UStG) |
Berichtigung des Vorsteuerabzugs (§ 15a UStG) |
— |
— |
64 |
Editable field |
44 |
Remaining amount (Line 36 minus lines 37 to 43) |
Verbleibender Betrag(Zeile 36 abzüglich der Zeilen 37 bis 43) |
Line 36 - Box 66 – Box 61 – Box 62 – Box 67 – Box 63 – Box 59 – Box 64 |
G. Other Tax Amounts |
G. Andere Steuerbeträge |
45 |
Tax as a result of the change in the form of taxation as well as Additional tax on taxed advance payments and the like due to a change in tax rate |
Steuer infolge des Wechsels der Besteuerungsform sowieNachsteuer auf versteuerte Anzahlungen und ähnlichemwegen Steuersatzänderung |
— |
— |
65 |
Editable field |
46 |
Tax amounts incorrectly or unjustifiably shown on invoices (§ 14c UStG) as well as tax amounts according to§ 6a paragraph 4 sentence 2, § 17 paragraph 1 sentence 7,§ 25b paragraph 2 UStG or from a outsourcer or warehouse keeper according to § 13a paragraph 1 number 6 UStG |
In Rechnungen unrichtig oder unberechtigt ausgewiesene |
— |
— |
69 |
Editable field |
H. Prepayment/Excess |
H.Vorauszahlung/ |
47 |
Sales tax prepayment / surplus (sum of lines 44 to 46) |
Umsatzsteuer- |
Line 44 +box 65 +box 69 |
48 |
Deduction of the specified special advance payment for a permanent extension of the deadline (usually only to be completed in the last advance notification of the taxation period) |
Abzug der festgesetzten S |
39 |
Editable field |
49 |
Remaining sales tax prepayment Remaining surplus – please precede the amount with a minus - (Please fill out in any case) |
Verbleibende Umsatzsteuer-Vorauszahlung Verbleibender Überschuss – bitte dem Betrag ein Minusvoranstellen - (Bitte in jedem Fall ausfüllen) |
83 |
Line 44 + Box 65 + Box 69 – Box 39 |
I. Additional information on reductions accordingto § 17 paragraph 1 sentences 1 and 2 in connectionwith paragraph 2 number 1 sentence 1 UStG |
I. Ergänzende Angaben zu Minderungen nach§ 17 Absatz 1 Sätze 1 und 2 in Verbindung mitAbsatz 2 Nummer 1 Satz 1 UStG |
50 |
Reduction of the tax base (included in rows 12 to 17) |
Minderung der B |
50 |
Editable field |
51 |
Reduction of the deductible input tax amounts (contained in line 37 from invoices from other entrepreneurs (§ 15 paragraph 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 UtG) as well as in lines 41 and 42) |
Minderung der abziehbaren Vorsteuerbeträge(in der Zeile 37 aus Rechnungen von anderen Unternehmen(§ 15 Absatz 1 Satz 1 Nummer 1 UStG) sowie in den Zeilen 41 und 42 enthalten) |
37 |
Editable field |
Additional Information
Related Topics
- What goes into each box – Germany Annual VAT Declaration
- Germany VAT Report
- Germany Tax Codes
- Setting Up Tax Filing for Germany
- Submission of VAT Returns in Germany
- EU Sales List for Germany
- Intrastat Report for Germany
- Germany GoBD Data Export
- Germany Tax Topics For Accounts Without SuiteTax
- Germany Account Setup
- Setting Up Germany-specific Preferences Page
- Germany-specific SuiteApps
- Germany Electronic Bank Payments