Taxes and Jurisdiction Setup for Employees
Before you can start paying employees with SuitePeople U.S. Payroll, you need to set up taxes and jurisdiction-specific requirements for the employee. This involves first Verifying the Jurisdictions for an Employee, and then Selecting Status Exemptions for an Employee.
After you verify jurisdictions and select status exemptions for an employee, you can set up Employee Tax Withholdings and Allowances. Optionally, depending on an employee’s jurisdiction, you can complete the following tasks:
Setting up Taxes for Employees who Work in Different States During a Pay Period
Adding Standard Occupational Classification Codes for Employees
Related Topics
- Including an Employee in Payroll
- Decreasing Elective Deferral Limits for an Employee
- Setting up Direct Deposit for an Employee
- Setting up Earnings for an Employee
- Setting up Deductions for an Employee
- Setting up Company Contributions for an Employee
- Setting up Accrued Time for an Employee
- Updating Payroll Items for Multiple Employees
- Payroll Setup for Employees