Selecting Status Exemptions for an Employee

After you include an employee in payroll and update payroll information, you can select status exemptions for the employee.

To select status exemptions for an employee:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees.

  2. Next to the name of the employee, click Edit.

  3. Click the Payroll subtab.

  4. Check the boxes beside the exemptions that apply to this employee. The exemptions available can include the following:

    • Sole Proprietor

    • Minor Under 18 Employed by Parent

    • F1/J1 Visa

    • One Spouse Employed by Another

    • Minor Under 21 Employed by Parent

    • Partner of a Partnership

    • Parent Employed by Child

    • MQGE Pension Plan Participant (Social Security Exempt)

    • Exempt Corporate Officer

  5. Click Save.

Make sure that you update payroll information after you select status exemptions for employees. For more information, see Updating Payroll Information.

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