Deploy Files and Configure the Implementation
When all customizations are complete, you are ready to deploy your custom files to your Site Builder SSP Application in NetSuite. The following topics explain how to deploy custom files to the Custom implementation:
The customizations introduced by this patch are extensive. Always test changes in a sandbox account or other test site before deploying to a production account.
Deploy Your Custom Files
The first task is to upload your changes to the correct location in the Custom implementation of your Site Builder SSP Application.
Site Builder SSP Applications each have a locked Reference implementation that contains all source files and an unlocked Custom implementation, where you place your customizations.
The Custom implementation directory (in the File Cabinet) is organized to match the structure of the Reference implementation. Upload your customized files to the Custom implementation in the location mirroring the original source location.
Upload your customizations as a .zip file using the Advanced Add feature of the File Cabinet. Assuming that the location of each customized file in the Custom implementation mirrors the location in Reference, your customizations overwrite the source when your site compiles for runtime.
For example, if you upload a custom version of index-local.ssp to a My Account Premium 1.05.0 implementation, the correct location for deployment is the root:
Web Site Hosting Files > Live Hosting Files > SSP Applications > NetSuite Inc. -My Account Premium 1.05 > Custom My Account Premium
To deploy customized files:
In your local developer environment, open your root implementation folder.
Select the entire contents of the folder and include all files within a local .zip file.
Important:Include the root folder contents only. Do not include the root folder itself.
In NetSuite, navigate to the SSP Application folder for your implementation.
For example:
Web Site Hosting Files > Live Hosting Files > SSP Applications > NetSuite Inc. -My Account Premium 1.05 > Custom My Account Premium
Add your zip file to the File Cabinet using the Advanced Add feature. See Uploading Files to the File Cabinet for details.
Refresh Your Backend Environment
The next task is to update two configuration files in the NetSuite backend. These two files are:
These files must be automatically regenerated. You can force this action by editing two configuration files in your File Cabinet.
To reset your environment:
Complete the following steps for both combiner.config and templates.config.
In your NetSuite File Cabinet, navigate to Web Site Hosting Files > Live Hosting Files > SSP Applications > [APPLICATION] > [CUSTOM IMPLEMENTATION FOLDER] > js.
Click Edit next to combiner.config.
Locate the Media Item section and click Edit to preview the file.
Place your cursor at the very end of the code in this file.
Add a single space to the end of the code and click Save.
This change forces a background process to generate a new, concatenated Application.js file.
Confirm that a new Application.js file is generated.
The date in the Last Modified column should reflect an updated date and time when the process is complete.
Repeat this procedure for the templates.config file, located here:
Web Site Hosting Files > Live Hosting Files > SSP Applications > NetSuite Inc. -My Account Premium 1.05 > Custom My Account Premium > templates.
This action updates the Templates.js file.
Configure the Models.js Script Path
The last task to complete is updating the Models.js library script path and touch points. This file is generated when the Models.js script runs. Before this happens, you must update the script path manually to point to the Custom folder.
To configure the Models.js script path:
Go to Commerce > Hosting > SSP Applications.
Click Edit to modify the SSP Application associated with your implementation.
On the Library subtab under Scripts, locate the following library script:
Web Site Hosting Files/Live Hosting Files/SSP Applications/[APPLICATION]/ssp_libraries/Models.js
Manually change this path to point to the Custom Files location:
Web Site Hosting Files/Custom Files/SSP Applications/[APPLICATION]/ssp_libraries/Models.js
In the above examples, [APPLICATION] equals the SSP Application of your current implementation.
Click Save.
Update touch points. See Select Supported Touch Points
Upon successful deployment, you should be able to take advantage of secure shopping domains on your Site Builder site.