Creating And Editing Transactions With Germany Localization Installed

With the Germany Localization SuiteApp, you will notice some changes when creating or editing transaction records.

First, the Memo field is required for every German subsidiary to comply with German generally accepted accounting principles. This applies to the following transaction types:

If you try to save any transaction with this field left blank, an error will be displayed, and you won’t be allowed to proceed.


If you have entered all transaction line memos, you can leave the main Memo field blank. This field becomes required only if at least one of the transaction line memos is missing.

Central Bank Reports Transaction Codes

With the Germany Localization SuiteApp installed, the new CBR Transaction ID field is added to the following item records:

For more information about enabling Assembly Items, see Enabling Assembly Items.

Use this field to categorize your transactions (by selecting specific unique codes set by German law). These categories can be used by the Germany Central Bank Reports SuiteApp that generates reports containing information about international payments (for example, the Z4 report).

To view and edit items already present in your account, go to Lists > Accounting > Items. To create a new item, go to Lists > Accounting > Items > New and select one of the item types from the list. For more information about item records in NetSuite, see Using Item Records.

General Notices