Germany Charts of Accounts
After installing the Germany Localization SuiteApp, it’s recommended to install either SKR 03 or SKR 04 Chart of Accounts.
To install Chart of Accounts
Go to Setup > Customization > Germany Chart of Accounts.
If you have at least one active account in the system, a notification appears advising you to consider using Accounting Contexts instead.
On the Installation of Germany Chart of Accounts page, follow the described instructions:
Download the reduced or the full version of SKR03 or SKR04 templates.
Review the downloaded file in an external application and save it in the CSV format. (The CSV file serves as a template you can modify or replace depending on how you want to implement your chart of accounts. Nevertheless, you can implement it as it is.)
Warning:The financial statements provided by the Germany Localization SuiteApp are mapped to either SKR 03 or SKR 04 Charts of Accounts. If you modify one of these original templates, it is likely that your financial reports will display distorted information. Therefore, add, remove, or renumber accounts in the SKR 03 or SKR 04 templates with caution.
Click the Saved CSV Import – Chart of Accounts link.
Follow the instructions in the import assistant.
Click CSV Import.
Important:If your NetSuite language settings is not English, two more steps must be done during the importing process. In the beginning of the process you must change the language to English using the Preferences link which will open in new window. After the import successfully finishes, you can open the Preferences link again and change the language settings back.
For more information, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant.
When editing the German Charts of Accounts or adding new accounts to them, make sure that all your account numbers contain the same number of digits. For example, if you have 4–digit account numbers in your Chart of Accounts and you want to add an account with a number 123 to it, insert it as 0123.
When installing the German Chart of Accounts, the renumbering process is being run first to prevent any future errors following from the duplicate account numbers.
For an existing account to be automatically renumbered, it must meet the following conditions:
It must not have the same name as an account with the same number that is supposed to be installed.
Its number must start with 4 digits.
If these conditions are met for a certain existing account, the following actions will take place:
Account name will change to a new format: “Name_Number”. For example, new account number for the account with number 1010 named Sales will be Sales_1010.
Renumbered account will be deactivated.
If you uninstall the German Chart of Accounts, your original accounts will remain renumbered and deactivated. You will have to activate them manually and assign them appropriate numbers.
Legal Names of German Accounts
If you need to enter the legal names of your German accounts, the Legal Name field must be available when you edit an account. Subsequently, you can enter the German legal name of the account in the Legal Name field.
Enabling the Legal Name field in an account record:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences.
Check the Use Legal Name in Account box.
Click Save.
If you clear the Use Legal Name in Account box, the Legal Name field will not be displayed in account records.