Simultaneous Access to More than One NetSuite Account Type

Most users log in to their production account to perform tasks in NetSuite. Some users may also want simultaneous access to another NetSuite account type, for example, a sandbox account or a Release Preview account.

Watch this video to see how you can have two or more NetSuite account types open at the same time:

The following procedure describes accessing a sandbox account, but also applies to accessing other account types (Release Preview or development accounts, for example).

To access more than one account type at the same time:

  1. Open your browser and log in to your NetSuite production account.

  2. From the Change Roles list, select a sandbox account, right-click, and select open in a new tab. (The wording varies slightly depending on the browser you are using.)

    The selected sandbox account opens in a new tab. If you do not have a default role indicated in the sandbox account, your browser history is used to automatically log you in to your last used role. For more information, see Roles and Accounts.

  3. Click the first tab, the tab with your production account role.

  4. Click Login and log in to NetSuite again.

    Now both accounts have active sessions: one tab with your production account role, and one tab with your sandbox role.

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