Using the Job Details Portlet in SuiteCloud Processors Job Details

You can use the Job Details portlet on the SuiteCloud Processors Job Details dashboard to view details about specific deployments. It consists of a table of performance statistics and a timeline.

The Job Details portlet logs only the jobs that ran for a significant amount of time and are useful in diagnosing issues. SuiteCloud Processors Job Details is not intended to trace all the jobs that the account processed.


Be aware of the following:

  • Deployments that are handled by SuiteCloud Processors are marked -None - in the Queue column.

  • It is not possible to sort the script jobs using the Execution Time column because it is a summary formula column.

The timeline shows you the duration of wait times and execution times for your scheduled and map/reduce script jobs. You can point to any value on the timeline charts to see the corresponding statistics.

Job Details portlet.

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